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The operations of NASPA are managed by a number of committees. These are divided into Main and Working Committees, as explained below. Committees should follow NASPA’s Committee rules.
Committee | Mandate | |
Advisory Board | to advise the Executive Committee, act as an appellate body for the rulings of Working Committees, and to act as a general disciplinary body for association members | |
Executive Committee | to be responsible to the Board of Trustees for the management of association operations, and to supervise all other committees | |
Steering Committee | to offer informal advice to the Executive Committee based on its original role in guiding the formation of the association |
The following committees conduct much of NASPA’s ongoing business, and report (in most cases weekly) to the NASPA executive.
Committee | Mandate | |
Canadian Committee | to manage matters pertaining solely to Canadian and not to American players | |
Championship Committee | to organize Scrabble championships in the United States and Canada | |
Club/Director Committee | to supervise official NASPA clubs and directors in the United States and Canada | |
Community Advocate | to provide a safe environment for members reporting cases of harassment within the association | |
Dictionary Committee | to maintain the tournament lexicon | |
Forward Energy Committee | examine NASPA opportunities for improvement, and make recommendations to the appropriate governing bodies in NASPA including the Executive Committee | |
IDEA Committee | to address issues of inclusivity, diversity, equity and accessibility within our community | |
International Committee | to manage the association's relationship with organizations and events outside the United States and Canada | |
Membership Committee | to service association membership needs | |
Pairings Committee | to evaluate and certify pairing algorithms for tournament use | |
Publications Committee | to prepare documents for publication as required by other committees | |
Ratings and Recognition Committee | to ensure that the association has the best possible rating system and to recognize our player achievements | |
Rules Committee | to formulate the club and tournament game rules | |
Social Media Committee | to facilitate NASPA communication via social media | |
Technology Committee | to evaluate and certify equipment used by players and directors | |
Tournament Committee | to oversee officially sanctioned NASPA tournaments | |
Web Committee | to provide for the association's IT needs | |
Zyzzyva Committee | to maintain Zyzzyva software |
The following committees are currently inactive.
Committee | Mandate | |
Director Manual Committee | to edit the Director Manual | |
Finance Committee | to draft the association's annual budget | |
History Committee | to record the history of competitive Scrabble activity in the United States and Canada | |
Marketing Committee | to develop and implement marketing strategies for NASPA | |
Test Committee | to be used internally for database software testing |
In December 2008, Hasbro and the NSA invited a group of players to form the NSA Steering Committee (SC) and to brainstorm ideas for divesting the responsibility for organized SCRABBLE play from the NSA while keeping it going under some user-paid system. There was unanimity to implement a membership fee/participation fee structure.
In January and February 2009, the SC corresponded frequently online and came up with the basic plan for what would become NASPA. As several deadlines approached, the focus of the SC shifted from planning to implementation. Members volunteered for working subcommittees corresponding to their areas of interest and expertise, reporting to SC cochairs Chris Cree and John Chew. In March, as the new organization was legally incorporated this structure was formalized, with the SC working subcommittees becoming NASPA working committees, and the SC cochairs becoming NASPA copresidents (collectively called the NASPA executive and making up two-thirds of the Executive Committee). The NSA Steering Committee continues to exist as a trusted group of advisors to the NASPA executive, and will continue to be consulted concerning the future of the association.
In July 2019, the EC:
This page was last edited on 7 August 2019, at 13:42. Privacy policy
Copyright © 2025 NASPA All rights reserved. SCRABBLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada, and of Mattel, Inc. elsewhere. NASPA and its activities are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Hasbro or Mattel. For more information about NASPA or for comments or issues with this page, please email us.