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From time to time, the NASPA International Committee negotiates international agreements with our partner organizations around the world, to further fraternity with these organizations and to benefit our members who like to play in Scrabble tournaments when they travel overseas. We think of it as like being able to use your local museum membership to gain admission to a foreign museum, or being granted entry to a foreign social club on the basis of your local club membership.
Each agreement reciprocally confers certain benefits of association membership. Our overseas visitors typically may play in NASPA tournaments without having to pay for a separate NASPA membership, while NASPA members can typically play in overseas tournaments under whatever the terms to which are local members are subject.
Each agreement describes how tournament directors may verify the membership status of members applying for reciprocal benefits.
NASPA tournament directors who wish to activate a reciprocal membership for an overseas visitor should use the regular membership application process to charge the visitor's membership to themselves, then contact to have the charge waived.
Date | Association | Summary |
2011-07-01 | ABSP Great Britain |
Under the terms of the ABSP Agreement, Association of British Scrabble Players members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are entitled to ABSP member discounts at ABSP events. |
2011-09-01 | ASPA Australia |
Under the terms of the ASPA Agreement, Australian Scrabble Players Association members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are not subject to non-ASPA levy at ASPA events. |
2019-05-01 | HKSPA Hong Kong |
Under the terms of the HKSPA Agreement, Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members may play in two charged HKSPA events per year for free and thereafter at HKSPA member rates, and are entitled to a discount on HKSPA merchandise. |
2017-03-01 | MSA Malaysia |
Under the terms of the MSA Agreement, Malaysian Scrabble Association members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are entitled to MSA member rates at MSA events. |
2013-07-01 | NSF Nigeria |
Under the terms of the NSF Agreement, Nigerian Scrabble Federation members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are entitled to a discount of USD 30 per year in entry fees at NSF events. |
2015-08-01 | NZASP New Zealand |
Under the terms of the NZASP Agreement, New Zealand Association of Scrabble Players members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members may likewise pay in NZASP events without paying for NZASP membership. |
2022-01-15 | PSA Pakisatan |
Under the terms of the PSA Agreement, Pakistan Scrabble Association members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are entitled to PSA member discounts on tournament entry fees; both associations will provide visa application support letters to each other's members. |
2019-04-01 | SAI India |
Under the terms of the SAI Agreement, Scrabble Association of India members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are entitled to SAI member rates at SAI events. |
2023-01-01 | SAS Singapore |
Under the terms of the SAS Agreement, SA Singapore members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are entitled to be treated as SA members for the purpose of event eligibility and discounted membership fees. |
2015-08-01 | SDeV German-speaking countries |
Under the terms of the SDeV Agreement, Scrabble in Deutschland e.V. members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are entitled to SDeV member rates at SDeV events. |
Under negotiation |
TTSA Trinidad and Tobago |
Under the terms of the TTSA Agreement, Trinidad and Tobago Scrabble Association members may play in NASPA events without paying for NASPA membership; NASPA members are entitled to free entry into TTSA monthly events (to the value of a NASPA membership). |
This page was last edited on 2 August 2021, at 12:59. Privacy policy
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