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NASPA and SDeV have adopted the following agreement:
NASPA agrees to:
1. Publish this agreement on its website at and to advertise it to its members.
2. Grant complimentary NASPA membership to SDeV members resident in any German speaking country who are registered to play in NASPA-sanctioned tournaments, thereby exempting them from the normal requirement of paying for association membership to participate in official events.
3. Grant access to SDeV officials to NASPA's membership database query tool so that they may verify membership status of NASPA members intending to play in SDeV events, and provide timely technical support for this service via email at
The SDeV agrees to:
1. Publish this agreement on its website at ( and to advertise it to its members.
2. Grant complimentary SDeV membership to NASPA members resident in the United States and Canada who are registered to play in SDeV-sanctioned tournaments, thereby entitling them to any entry fee discounts to which SDeV members may be entitled.
3. Respond to email at so that NASPA officials may verify the membership status of SDeV members intending to play in NASPA events.
This agreement will take effect when it is ratified by the NASPA Executive Committee, and may be backdated by mutual agreement of both parties.
This page was last edited on 20 January 2016, at 11:53. Privacy policy
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