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The Community Advocate is a NASPA committee. Its mandate is to provide a safe environment for members reporting cases of harassment within the association. To contact the committee, please send an email message to
The following members currently belong to the committee:
NASPA has created the role of NASPA Community Advocate to look into cases of harassment within the organization. We want to provide a safe environment for everyone and need to create a culture where people know that there will be consequences for this type of action. Women in particular need to know there is a friendly person/sympathetic ear to bring their complaints of sexual harassment to initially for help in knowing what to do and how to navigate the formal structure if deemed necessary.
You can message or email or phone the NASPA Community Advocate, Sue Tremblay, if you feel that you have been harassed by another player or tournament official.
Telephone: 613-601-5006
If you are not sure if you have been harassed, but you have been in an uncomfortable situation, you may speak to her or send her an informal report and you can decide together if further action needs to be taken. All communications will be kept strictly confidential, unless the complainant agrees to take further steps.
If you are of another gender and feel you have experienced sexual harassment, please also feel free to get in touch with the NASPA Community Advocate, and if you prefer, she can refer you to another member of the Advisory Board.
NASPA takes the issue of harassment seriously and wants to protect its members. Women especially need to feel safe when they are attending NASPA tournaments, even if the incidents happen outside of tournament hours.
October 30, 2017 - NASPA announced the creation of the position and the appointment of Sue Tremblay to the role. You can review the announcement here.
May 21, 2020 - The Advisory Board voted to expand the role of Community Advocate to cover all cases of harassment - not just sexual harassment.
This page was last edited on 26 May 2020, at 12:02. Privacy policy
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