[NSA Word of the Day]

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June 14th, 2012: TROCHAIC

Definition: TROCHAIC*TROCHAICS n a trochee

Anagrams: thoracic

Hooks: trochaicS

Ana-hooks: chorEatic chroMatic

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: achroMic acroLith acroStic actoriSh aircoAch aNorthic atroPhic carRitch cartoUch catchiEr cathoDic cathoLic chariotS choraGic cochairS corticaL cratoNic haricotS Narcotic octarchY orchitIc rachitIc ricochEt toVarich

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: acrotic act actor ah ahi ai air airt airth ait aitch aortic ar arc arch arco arctic art at cacti car caroch cart cat catch chai chair chao chaotic char chariot chart chat chi chia chiao chic chica chico chiro chit choir choric ciao circa coach coact coat coati coca cochair coir cor coria cot cratch crit croc croci crotch ha hair hao haricot hart hat hi hic hit ho hoar hora hot ich ichor iota it itch oar oat oath oca ocicat oh ohia oi or ora orach orc orca ort otic rah rai rat ratch rath ratio rato rho rhotic ria rich riot roach roc rot rota rotch roti ta tach taco tahr tao tar taro taroc thio thir tho thoria thoric thro ti tic tiro to tor tora torah torc torch tori toric triac trio

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