[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 26th, 2012: DIESTOCK

Definition: DIESTOCK*DIESTOCKS n a frame for holding dies

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: diestockS

Ana-hooks: (none)

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: Bedticks cestoidS cHokiest coCkiest coRdites coRkiest deMotics desPotic dickIest docksiDe doMestic doRkiest dUckiest Pockiest Rockiest socketEd stickLed stockAde stockieR tickseEd

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: cedi cedis cesti cestoi cestoid cis cist cisted cite cited cites cod code codes cods coed coedit coedits coeds coke coked cokes cos coset cosie cosied cost costed cot cote coted cotes cots de deck decks deco decos deist desk detick deticks dice dices dick dicks dicot dicots die dies diet diets dike dikes dis disc disco disk dit dite dites dits do doc dock docket dockets docks docs doe does doest doit doits dos dose dost dot dote dotes dots ed edict edicts edit edits eds eidos es escot et etic ice iced ices ick id ides ids is it its keto ki kid kids kis kist kit kite kited kites kits koi kois kos od ode odes odic odist ods oe oes oi oke okes os ose otic scot sec sect sei set si sic sice sick sicked sicko side sike sit site sited ski skid skied skit skite skited so sock socked socket sod sodic soke sot stick sticked stied stock stocked stoic stoke stoked ted teds ti tic tick ticked ticks tics tide tides tie tied ties tike tikes tis to tod todies tods toe toed toes toke toked tokes tsk tsked

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