[NSA Word of the Day]

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September 29th, 2004: CHLORITE

Definition: CHLORITE*CHLORITES n a mineral group

Anagrams: clothier

Hooks: chloriteS

Ana-hooks: Blotchier clothierS Plethoric

'Typos': chlorate chloride chlorine

Blana-grams: Acrolith Aerolith Botchier ceorliSh chelAtor chiPotle choleriC chortleD chortleR chortleS chroMite cloiSter coiStrel coStlier coUthier crYolite elDritch elicItor eolithIc eroticAl Flichter helicoPt heliPort heroicAl hoteliEr hotliNer leProtic loricAte Notchier Petrolic Phoretic reclothE reGolith rhetoRic rhYolite ricoChet torchieR torchliT toUchier trichoMe trochilI trochilS trochleA

Extensions: HYPOchlorite HYPOchloriteS

Sub-anagrams: ceil cel celt ceorl cero cert chert chi chiel chile chiro chit choil choir choler choli chore chortle cire cite citer cither citole clot cloth clothe coheir coil coiler coir col cole colt colter cor core cot cote crit echo echt eco eh el elhi eolith er erotic et etch eth ethic etic he hector heil heir helio helo helot her heriot herl hero heroic het hi hic hie hilt hire hit ho hoe hoer hole holier holt hot hotel ice ich ichor ire it itch ither lech lector lehr lei let letch li lice lich licht lictor lie lier lire lirot liroth lit lite liter lithe lither litho litre lo loch loche loci locie loiter lore lot loth loti lotic och oche ocher ochre oe oh oi oil oiler ole oleic or orc orchil ore oriel orle ort other otic re rec recit recoil recti recto rei relic relict relit reoil ret retch rho rhotic rice rich riel rile riot rite roc rochet roe roil role rot rotch rotche rote roti rotl te tec tech tel telco telic teloi the their thio thiol thir thirl tho thole thoric thrice thro throe ti tic tie tier til tile tiler tire (and 20 more)

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