[NSA Word of the Day]

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September 17th, 2004: EPISTOME

Definition: EPISTOME*EPISTOMES n a structure covering the mouth of various invertebrates

Anagrams: epitomes

Hooks: epistomeS

Ana-hooks: epitomIse peRistome tempoRise

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: Competes emptieRs emptiesT epiDotes episomeS epitoPes Hempiest Homesite imposteD imposteR Kempiest miLepost moietIes moNetise mopeRies mopPiest Nepotism optimIse petioLes peYotism piCotees pimeNtos piPestem poetiseD poetiseR poetiseS poetiZes poetRies poLemist pRomisee Reimpose semiopeN semitoNe septimeS sometiMe stompieR tiResome

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: em eme emes emit emits emo emos emote emotes empties ems episome epitome epos es est estop et imp impose impost imps is ism it item items its me meet meets met mete metes metis metope metopes mi mis mise miso mist mite mites mo moi moist mop mope mopes mopiest mops mos most moste mot mote motes mots oe oes oi om omit omits oms op ope opes ops opt optime optimes opts os ose pe pee pees peise pes peso pest pesto pet pets pi pie pies pis piso piste pit pits po poem poems poet poetise poets poi pois poise pom pome pomes poms pos pose posit post postie pot pots potsie psi pst see seem seep sei seme semi sept septime set si sim simp sip sipe sit site smit smite smote so som some somite sop sopite sot spit spite spot steep stem step stim stime stipe stomp stop stope te tee teem teems tees temp tempi tempo tempos temps tes ti tie ties time times tip tips tis to toe toes tom tome tomes toms top tope topee topees topes topi topis tops

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