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The NWL2018 word list is edited according to the following editorial process.
Broadly speaking, there are four steps in editing the word list, each of which is described in greater detail below.
Words found in the previous work, OTCWL2016, may be nominated for deletion by any concerned party. Such words will be reviewed according to validation criteria below as time permits.
Words that should have been included in OTCWL2016 according to contemporary criteria, but may have been erroneously omitted, may be nominated for addition by any concerned party. Such words will be reviewed according to validation criteria below as time permits.
Words that have been newly added to OSPD or MWCD since OTCWL2016 (and which are not found in OTCWL2016) will be added to the candidate word list. Since they have already been extensively vetted by Merriam-Webster, they will be considered to be validated unless a concerned party requests a review.
Words (both boldface main entries and their implicit inflections) found in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary (2nd edition) (COD2) will be considered candidates if they meet all of the following criteria:
All words being added from COD2 should have their COD2 definition recorded in the NASPA Word Database to guide further discussion. A separate document describes procedures for doing this.
Words whose validity is uncertain (typically because the form or existence of an inflection is unclear) should have additional citations added to the word database to help support validation.
The following is an overview of the procedure that Dictionary Committee members follow when validating candidate words. There is a separate document for committee members that describes each step in further detail, with examples.
The word list will be published in the following ways:
This page was last edited on 28 February 2019, at 21:25. Privacy policy
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