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Please read this bulletin carefully after you register for the 2009 National SCRABBLE Championship, and again before you leave to travel to the tournament.
You are responsible for bringing all equipment necessary to play according to NASPA tournament rules, including a board, tiles, tile bag, racks and timer. If you do not bring equipment and no equipment is available for you to use, you will forfeit games. When you set up equipment, you must leave it set up until the end of the session; the tsh pairing program will minimize player movement from table to table.
If you discover that you will be unable to arrive in time to play a game, you must either call Mary Rhoades at 817-718-3115 or send a text message to John Chew at 416-876-7675. If you fail to do so, you may be removed from the pairings until the end of the session.
We expect all players to play competitively but courteously, in compliance with the tournament rules and NASPA’s Code of Conduct.
Please note that the Code of Conduct may hold players to a higher standard of behavior than the old Behavior Policy, and review it carefully.
Also, some games at this tournament, probably the highest Division 1 board without a Gibsonized player, will be annotated live. If you refuse to play a designated game with annotation, you will forfeit it, and may at the director’s discretion be assigned a spread penalty of -200 points.
If you are travelling with friends or family, please consider asking them to volunteer as a player helper. We rely on a large amount of volunteer help to make the NSC a success.
This page was last edited on 15 April 2009, at 21:09. Privacy policy
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