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This document will be replaced by the Code of Conduct on July 1, 2009.
On October 17, 2004, the NSA adopted its Policy on Disruptive, Intimidating and other Unacceptable Behavior. It will continue to be in effect, mutatis mutandis, when responsibility for tournaments is transferred to NASPA. All tournament players must read, understand and abide by this policy as a condition to participating in any NASPA-sanctioned tournament, and should check this article for recent changes before attending a tournament.
NASPA-sanctioned directors have the authority to impose penalties, as detailed below, in order to combat instances of disruptive and/or intimidating behavior. They also have authority to discipline other conduct which, in the sole and exclusive discretion of the director, is offensive, unsportsmanlike, or otherwise inconsistent with maintaining a congenial and sociable atmosphere for SCRABBLE game play, whether or not such behavior violates the letter or spirit of a particular NASPA rule (all such behavior is hereafter referred to as “Offensive Behavior”). Offensive Behavior includes, without limitation, cheating, physical or mental abuse or intimidation of another player or tournament worker; verbal or physical acts of disruption while games are in play; loud or obstreperous conduct; and other behavior which, in the discretion of the director, constitutes antisocial conduct or interferes with the flow and proper conduct of the tournament.
NASPA directors have always had general authority to resolve disputes and administer appropriate sanctions when dealing with Offensive Behavior. However, NASPA’s intent through this policy is to clarify the scope of this authority and provide a degree of uniformity and standardization in the application of authorized sanctions.
A director at any NASPA-sanctioned SCRABBLE tournaments has the following authority with regards to conduct which the director believes constitutes Offensive Behavior:
The director may impose one or more of these sanctions, as the director deems appropriate. Imposition of a penalty may or may not be preceded by a warning, at the sole discretion of the director.
Whenever a director believes it appropriate to invoke sanctions in accordance with his authority, the director is to make a good faith effort to investigate the facts and to speak with all persons having knowledge of the circumstances.
The director isn’t required to follow a particular format or plan in conducting his or her investigation. The director should try to explain to the player the reasons for imposing sanctions before imposing the sanctions. Anyone wishing to provide information regarding the circumstances of the Offensive Behavior may offer an oral and/or written account of the events within thirty (30) days of the subject tournament. This information may be provided to the director, NASPA executive or to any NASPA Advisory Board member.
When the director submits to NASPA customary paperwork pertaining to the tournament, and in any event no later than 30 (thirty) days following such tournament, the director is to submit a written narrative summarizing the underlying events as witnessed and/or investigated by the director, including all written reports, if any, provided to the director by persons attending the tournament and offering information to the Offensive Behavior.
It is NASPA’s policy to give the player facing such sanctions an opportunity to be heard and to present his or her version of the facts, orally and/or in writing, before imposing post-tournament sanctions. A player facing post-tournament sanctions shall also be given an opportunity for a telephone hearing before the NASPA Advisory Board on terms and conditions directed by the NASPA Advisory Board, provided that any player seeking to avail himself or herself of such a hearing participates on condition that the player reimburse NASPA for the reasonable costs associated with the hearing in the event of an adverse ruling by the NASPA Advisory Board at the conclusion of the hearing.
Following the submission of such information, NASPA may elect, at its discretion, to undertake further actions with the guidance and input of the NASPA Advisory Board. Such actions may include, one or more of the following:
Any director who, in the opinion of NASPA misuses or abuses the powers herein granted may have his/her director’s privileges temporarily suspended or permanently revoked.
This policy is effective immediately. By playing in an NASPA-sanctioned tournament in the United States or Canada or by applying for membership or renewal of membership in NASPA, whichever event shall first occur, a member acknowledges the terms and conditions of this policy and voluntarily and of his or her free will agrees to be bound by each and every term and condition of this policy.
This page was last edited on 9 February 2010, at 20:30. Privacy policy
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