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Many of these archived news items originally appeared on the Breaking news page. Some older items have been added after-the-fact for historical reference.
The newest NASPA Bulletin can be downloaded here.
A new committee, Director’s Manual Committee, has been established to update the Director’s Manual.
The Reno tournaments starting July 1, 2009 are going to be NASPA events.
The original breaking news page was created on this day (some earlier items are included for convenience).
Payments to NASPA can no longer be made through PayPal, as PayPal has determined that Scrabble is a form of illegal gambling. The manual payment fee for NSC registration has been waived.
Trial membership information for first-time tournament players added to the Tournaments page.
New table on Tournaments page highlights the difference between Local Club Tournaments (LCT) and the more typical Open Rated Tournaments (ORT).
John Luebkemann (chair of the Rules Committee) announces some minor changes to the Official Tournament Rules to become effective August 1, 2009.
A new committee, NASPA-WESPA Liaison Committee, has been established to coordinate communication with WESPA.
On July 1, the coordination of tournaments and clubs was officially transitioned from the NSA to NASPA. All tournament participants are required to be NASPA members.
The new tournament data submission application is online.
We have a new tournament results page that has the official results of the first NASPA-rated tourneys (Albany, Reno, Charleston, Laguna Woods) as well as copies of NSA results for the first half of 2009.
The ratings page has been updated with a link to the current official NASPA ratings and an archive of historical monthly NSA ratings.
The first issue of NASPA Tournament SCRABBLE Newsletter is ready and available online, thanks to the efforts of Newsletter Committee and approximately 50 other volunteers.
The event registration took place today in Dayton, OH, Convention Center. Games start tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for near-realtime online coverage.
The location of the next two (2010 and 2011) National SCRABBLE Championships has been announced: Hotel InterContinental Dallas.
Dave Wiegand from Portland, OR wins the 2009 National SCRABBLE Championship in Dayton, OH and receives the $10,000 prize. The runner-up is the last year’s champion and the reigning world champion Nigel Richards from Malaysia. Dave defeated Nigel in the last two rounds today to win the tournament by a narrow margin; both players won 25 games but Dave accumulated a higher point spread (+1728 vs. +1593). This is the second championship for Dave; he also won the title in 2005.
Joel Wapnick from Montreal, QC placed third in the first division with 22 wins. Divisions two through five were won by Thomas Reinke from Middleton, WI, Dave Leonard from Buffalo, NY, Max Karten from Barrington, RI and Doug Szymkowiak from North Ridgeville, OH.
Final standings:
The 2010 National SCRABBLE Championship in Dallas will take place on August 7–11, 2010.
John Luebkemann has withdrawn from the US team for the 2009 World SCRABBLE Championship and has been replaced by Brian Bowman.
Newsletter Committee has published the second issue of NASPA Tournament SCRABBLE Newsletter.
A new committee, Governance Committee, has been established.
John Robertson has joined the Membership Committee to help facilitate Canadian dollar transactions.
The August 22 tournament directed by David B. Carlson in Manchester, CT has been rated, and has caused at least one subsequent tournament to be re-rated. We apologize for the delay in posting these results and the inconvenience of the re-rating process.
Rules Committee has issued a clarification regarding a rule in Official Tournament Rules, describing what is a “reporting error” that could be corrected after result slip submission.
The number of NASPA members in the membership database surpassed 2000 today.
NASPA has dissolved its Newsletter Committee, after having been unable to come to agreement concerning responsibilities.
We have added a link from our 2010 National SCRABBLE Championship page to the Intercontinental Hotel Group reservations page for players who wish to book rooms at our group rate.
The tournament held in York, PA on 2009-09-12 has finally been rated. Since all ratings are now processed in chronological order (to be precise, in order of tournament start times), some subsequently re-rated events may have different ratings. Directors are asked to submit rating data as quickly as possible to minimize the amount of re-rating that takes place.
As of today, NASPA is a Class 1 member of the World English-language Scrabble Players Association (WESPA). For more information, see the full text of the announcement.
NASPA’s Executive Committee has named Robin Pollock Daniel and Matthew Hodge as official spokespersons.
A new member list application allows directors (only) to get a list of all current NASPA members in a concise format, sorted alphabetically.
Steering Committee has unanimously approved two NASPA policies concerning endorsements and donations.
We now accept noncontiguous rating data submissions, that is, ones in which the players are not listed by division.
Effective immediately, players can submit profile photos through Member services. Profile photos are used in tournament results, by some tournament software and of course in member profiles.
Effective immediately, current members can print their own membership card, and new members can apply for and pay for membership online.
The new issue of the bulletin has begun its one-week members-only preview.
We have been getting one or two complaints a month from members whose passwords are getting reset by other people mistyping their NASPA IDs and clicking on the button to reset and resend a random password. We have just made the process a little more secure by requiring the person to enter your current email address when asking for the password.
Clarified the time and distance separation guidelines for sanctioning multi-day and one-day tournaments.
The most recent issue of the NASPA Bulletin is now available for public download.
New club news page has been created. If a player does something newsworthy at club, please follow the instructions on the club news page to submit it for posting.
An update to the Director’s Manual has been posted. Most of the changes deal with the transition from NSA to NASPA.
Pakorn Nemitrmansuk of Thailand has won the 2009 World SCRABBLE Championship by defeating Nigel Richards in the finals.
Dallas Johnson has accepted the position of cochair of the NASPA Tournament Committee. This position is shared with Andy Saunders, who offered Dallas the position.
The fourth NASPA Bulletin has been released to members and is available here (the public release follows after one week).
Rules Committee announced that it had named Allen Pengelly as a new member. He replaced Robin Pollock Daniel who was named an official spokesperson for NASPA Executive Committee.
This page was last edited on 8 November 2016, at 13:37. Privacy policy
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