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![]() | Joel Wapnick, a 53-year-old music professor at McGill University, is the reigning Canadian Champion. He has played at every WSC, and his best finish was 2nd place in 1993. One month before this event, he led his Montréal team to victory over Toronto in an annual intercity match, going undefeated against the top 13 players from Toronto. Wapnick's seminal work on SCRABBLE® play has recently been revised and reprinted in CD-ROM format. |
Joel Wapnick beat Sherman at table 2-Sherman played GLOM, then JW played EGLOMISE for a triple triple! 1:51 on JW clock, JS clock -1:59.Have shot of board and a great shot of JW SMILING.
At Table 1, Joel Wapnick (Canada) has won over Brian Cappelletto (United States): Annotated game: BC: AGOIKT? 8G KO 12 12 JW: BONNYP? 9F BONY 23 23 BC: AGITOR? 10I ARGOTIc 66 78 JW: PN?LOTX 11K OX 33 56 BC: DODIIYO 12I DIDY 49 127 JW: PN?LTZP exch PLTPZ 0 56 BC: IOOVAET 10B VITAE 24 151 JW: N?TEEEA 06 ANTECEdE 68 124 BC: OOTREAI N2 OORIE 19 169 JW: AEEUSZT M3 ZEA 50 174 BC: TAPPTCW 1L WATT 39 208 JW: EUSTFMS 14 FUMETS 45 219 BC: PPCSUNR 4I CUPPER 24 232 JW: SAEAILS 15G ALIASES 88 307 BC: SNREIFA D6 FAINTERS 74 306 JW: OCHDGLR 8A LOGIC 24 331 BC: MBQRWJN 11C NEW 24 330 JW: HDRRULI M7 HURT 12 343 BC: QRJMBEH J3 JUBE 15 345 JW: DRLIING C1 RIDGLING 82 425 BC: HMRQLEV 2B QI 22 367 JW: UADNEIO K3 OPINED 35 460 BC: HMRLEV 13A HEMS 18 385 JW: UA 4C GAU 8 468 JW: +VRL +6 474 BC: -VRL -6 379
1 JW AODJLNR 8G JOR 20 20 DB UCUCEEN 7H KUE 17 17 2 JW ADLN-HRS 6J HARL 28 48 DB CENU-FIE 5H FICE 30 47 3 JW DNS-AONN 9F DONNA 29 77 DB UEN-EATE 4D TENUE 18 65 4 JW NS-ILRY? 3H NItRYLS 76 153 DB AE-GPIXA 10J XI 50 115 5 JW HQVIDEA 11G HIVED 40 193 DB PEAAG-NA 12A APANAGE 77 192 6 JW QA-AFOOL 5A ALOOF 28 221 DB LGIEIUI 13A LIEU 20 212 7 JW QA-POZRS 13G POZ 38 259 DB GII-TDEB A4 BAITED 36 248 8 JW QARS-MRV exch QMRV DB IG-IEOST H1 GONEF 27 275 9 JW ARS-GOOY F2 YON 14 273 DB IIEST-RI A12 ALIT 12 287 10 JW ARSGO-DS B10 SAPID 26 299 DB IESRI-AE B2 RIEL 12 299 11 JW RSGO-REW L1 WRY 13 312 DB AIES-QTW 1A QAT 41 340 12 JW RSGOE-MM 1J MOWERS 33 345 DB WIES-ATE ? RESEWS 32 372 13 JW GM-UCTV? H13 OM 4 349 DB ATI-NB 14D NIB 14 386 14 JW GUCTV? 15H sCUT 27 376 DB TA 6E TA 10 396 15 JW VG -6 370 DB +6 402
Table 1: Joel Wapnick (Canada) v Ron Tiekert (United States) 1 JW EIBLINQ 8G QI 22 22 RT EUNYSOO I5 YOUSE 22 22 2 JW EBLNS ?Z 5D BENZOyLS 134 156 RT ON JELGR 4C JO 26 48 3 JW ECDLRR? H1 CREDO 27 183 RT GENLR GN E3 GREN 15 63 4 JW LR? IREH RELISHER challenged RT GNLE LFE KI FLEGS 10 73 5 JW LR? IREH 1K FLIER 27 210 RT LEN DATI N1 ENTAILED 70 143 6 JW HR? SAWY M7 WASHErY 98 308 RT MPOTHIS O7 MOTH 47 190 7 JW EDFGNRT L11 DEFT 30 388 RT SIP ETAI 8G QIS 12 200 8 JW GNR TRIK H8 IRKING 15 353 RT PATSIE W F9 TAWPIES 70 272 9 JW RT AONNV 15F SOVRAN 27 380 RT EXIAOIA L3 XI 33 305 10 JW NT EOUBP E10 POUT 32 412 RT EOAAI UO K8 EUOI 14 319 11 JW ENB AAEO G3 NAZE 20 432 RT OAA VUTC J11 VACUA 19 338 12 JW AEOB DAM D11 BO 26 458 RT ATO IE 6B EOAN 11 349 13 JW AADEM O1 REAM 20 478 RT TI 7B TI 8 359 14 JW AD -3 475 RT +3 360
HASBRO is the owner of the registered SCRABBLE® trademark in the United States and Canada. © 2008 HASBRO. All rights reserved. "SCRABBLE® Brand Crossword Game" is the proper way to refer to this unique group of word games and related properties marketed by HASBRO. "SCRABBLE®" is not a generic term. To use it as such is not only misleading but also does injustice to the company responsible for the trademark's longtime popularity. All we ask is that when you mean SCRABBLE® Brand Crossword Game, you say so.
The SCRABBLE® trademark is owned by J.W. Spear and Sons, PLC, a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc. outside of the United States and Canada.
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