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Back to WSC 1999 Round by Round

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Melbourne, Australia
November 3 - 7

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Round 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

Mark Nyman defeats Joel Wapnick 444-330 in Round 2.

MarkN                                   JoelW
FAUNAHE  8d   FAUNA           +24   24  AEIOUUT       -AIOUU           +0    0
HEDRDLK   f6  KHUD            +22   46  EIGRTYX   i7  YEX             +34   34
DRELLNS 10b   DELLS           +27   73  IGMRSTT   c9  MERIT           +20   54
?NDROSE 12c   INDORSEd        +68  141  EEIOGST   b3  EGOTISED        +66  120
ONLOAPL   a1  NOPAL           +34  175  AEIUGTT   a7  TUG             +26  146
LORITMZ 13i   MILTZ           +46  221  AEIOBTV   j1  OBVIATE         +75  221
ROFIEPS   l7  FIREPOTS        +78  299  QWER?IN       -QW              +0  221
DOAUVRC  1e   VAUDOO          +30  329  OWEINR?  3e   WINgOVER        +65  286
CRBTRGW  5i   BAWR            +18  347  AAAEONY   c3  AA              +18  304
GRTCHAC  8k   RICHT           +30  377  AEEIONY   b13 AYE             +14  318
CAGUINE 15b   EUGENIC         +36  413  EEIONJQ 10j   JEE             +26  344
AI      11c   RIA             +17  430
              (EIONQ)         +14  444                (EIONQ)         -14  330

   a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
   -----------------------------      Player Tiles   Score  Time
 1|N     ' V A U D O O   '     =|1
 2|O -       "       B       -  |2    MarkN            444 -2:20
 3|P E A   W I N g O V E R -    |3    JoelW  EIONQ     330  1:42
 4|A G A -       '   I   -     '|4
 5|L O     -       B A W R      |5    The game is over.
 6|  T       K       T       "  |6
 7|T I '     H '   Y E   F '    |7
 8|U S   F A U N A E   R I C H T|8
 9|G E M     D '   X     R '    |9
10|  D E L L S       J E E   "  |10
11|    R I A           - P      |11
12|'   I N D O R S E d   O     '|12
13|  A T       '   M I L T Z    |13
14|  Y       "       "   S   -  |14
15|= E U G E N I C       '     =|15
   a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o

Online Kibitzing

Several expert players followed the game online. An edited transcript of their commentary is provided below. Players are identified as follows: Ann (Sanfedele), DanielG(oldman), diane1 (Firstman), j(ohanna)laite, Joey (Mallick), krusty (Jakob Teitelbaum), leolard (Nick Deller), martin (Reed), marvin42 (Amit Chakrabarti), OzWizard (Steve Sunter), p2 (John Chew), panchax (Randy Greenspan), paulsid (Paul Sidorsky), plant (Fern Lindzon), Rich (Baker), ricky (Purnomo), SOPH (Ebrima S Saye), Steven (Alexander), taqi (Edward Okulicz), Wolf (Zev Kaufman), zem (Martin DeMello).
> MarkN:  8d   FAUNA           +24   24  
> JoelW:       -AIOUU           +0    0  

plant says "not an improvement"

> MarkN:   f6  KHUD            +22   46  
> JoelW:   i7  YEX             +34   34  FAUNAE
> MarkN: 10b   DELLS           +27   73  KHUDS

ricky says "Nyman gets first bingo next turn"
zem says "reenfolds?"
martin says "Go Mark, stomp him"
ricky kibitzes: "could have, but now blocked by merit"
marvin42 says "anyone see anything at h8?"
Joey kibitzes: "or infolders"

> JoelW:   c9  MERIT           +20   54  

zem kibitzes: "was thinking of the d4 play"
Joey kibitzes: "2 sowpods 7's"
Joey kibitzes: "for joelw"
Wolf [to Joey]: "goeties and ?"
Joey kibitzes: "egotise"
Wolf says "oh yah"
paulsid says "Also egotised in column B..."
diane1 says "ok .... what is mark's best bingo play here"
Wolf kibitzes: "12c indorsee is one choice"
Joey kibitzes: "rosined a14 another, but gutsier one"

> MarkN: 12c   INDORSEd        +68  141  
> JoelW:   b3  EGOTISED        +66  120  EM

martin says "Joel sure has lucky fingers!!"
ricky says "obviate for wapnick"

> MarkN: 13i   MILTZ           +46  221  EM, dI
> JoelW:   j1  OBVIATE         +75  221  YE

martin says "FIREPOTS"
krusty says "Tie game!"
martin says "PIEFORTS"
zem says "nice"
Steven says "Spoofier 3x3?"
Steven checks SPOOFIER in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is unacceptable.
SOPH kibitzes: "postfire"

> MarkN:   l7  FIREPOTS        +78  299  

paulsid checks POOFIER in TWL98.
The word is unacceptable. [it is good in OSW]
paulsid checks POOFIER in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
p2 says "maven: c3 REWIN"
ricky says "swoonier, anyone? :-)"
martin checks SWOONIER in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is unacceptable.

> JoelW:       -QW              +0  221  

ricky says "a W for a W... and before we had a D for a D"

> MarkN:  1e   VAUDOO          +30  329  

DanielG kibitzes: "snoutier"
diane1 says "nice picking joel!!!!"
DanielG kibitzes: "or not"
The word is acceptable.
diane1 says "vaudoo???"
JoelW says "vaudoo is OSW only"
taqi checks OVERWIND in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
diane1 checks WINDOVER in OSW3.
The word is unacceptable.
Ann [to p2]: "amazing"
marvin42 checks REVOWING in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is unacceptable.
martin says "Wapnick is being very lucky"
taqi says "you can reAvow.. why can't you reVOW"
Joey says "but he's good too"
Ann  cautions martin he is greatly outnumbered here
Joey says "something can't be beared#, but it can be unbeared$"
martin says "I dont care :-P"
p2 says "if you go into the woods today, you'd better hope they're unbeared!"
diane1 says "who do that vaudoo that mark do so well???"
zem checks INROWED in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is unacceptable.
zem says "indower a1 almost plays"
leolard provides martin with some backup
Joey checks INDOWER in TWL98.
The word is unacceptable.
zem says "a3 rather"
Joey checks FOREWING in TWL98.
The word is acceptable.
paulsid checks OVERWING in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
martin checks WINDORE in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
diane1 checks UNDERWING in OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
plant says "snowier almost"
Ann says "doesn't quite fit"
Ann says "winsomer"
diane1 says "nice one ann"
Joey kibitzes: "bingo's probably not best here"
Ann checks WINSOMER in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
Rich checks BIJWONER in OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
Ann says "wooo"

> JoelW:  3e   WINgOVER        +65  286  

paulsid cheers
jlaite says "Yes!!!"
Ann says "phew"
martin says "you watch him pick the other blank"
martin says ";-P"
Ann says "we hope tos ee it"
DanielG kibitzes: "brrr"
diane1 says "he da man"
diane1 says "i see an exchange coming .... :O"
Wolf kibitzes: "5h braw"
martin says "an H for CRWTH"
Joey kibitzes: "CG bleccccchhhhh"
martin checks CRWTH in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
Steven says "3a PEW for mid-score safety?"
krusty likes BRRR 1l too.
panchax says "bract"

> MarkN:  5i   BAWR            +18  347  

zem liked bract
martin says "slammin!!"
Joey kibitzes: "definitely bract"
Wolf kibitzes: "better leave"
diane1 checks LOO in OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
p2 says "bag has EEEIIIJNQU"
DanielG checks LOY in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
Wolf kibitzes: "c3 aa is one choice"

> JoelW:   c3  AA              +18  304  PEA, AGA

paulsid agrees with Wolf
taqi checks RICHT in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
diane1 says "I like it"
Ann checks MYRNA in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is unacceptable.
Ann says "the lag here is making for a very ionescoish conversation"
martin says "Looks like Mark's game"
marvin42 says "got to be it"
zem says "yeah"
panchax says "lot closer anyway"
diane1 checks NATCH in OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
SOPH kibitzes: "it's not over until the fat lady sings"
Steven checks NATCH in TWL98.
The word is acceptable.
p2 says "there will be a lunch break after the third game, if a 4th game is required."
Wolf kibitzes: "richt is too open for mark, gives joel bingo chances"
jlaite checks CHERT in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
Joey laffs
Ann  nods wolfward
Rich checks CHERTY in TWL98+OSW3.
The word is acceptable.
jlaite says "forgot the Y"
Wolf kibitzes: "down from d3 perhaps rah"
diane1 says "cherty begins at home ..."
zem says "LOL"
Ann  groans dianeward
paulsid checks THACK in TWL98.
The word is acceptable.
Joey looks foraward
p2 says "kevin whispers that the players are taking their time now."
Wolf kibitzes: "h7 haar maybe"
plant says "right- too opening"
Steven says "it's been hectic up to this point"
diane1 checks CHET in OSW3.
The word is unacceptable.
Joey kibitzes: "rag d4?"
Wolf [to Joey]: "or rah"
OzWizard kibitzes: "brach 2j"
Wolf [to Joey]: "i like h7 haar"
Joey kibitzes: "gotta have an H with 2 C's"
panchax says "dont really wanna keep both cs"

> MarkN:  8k   RICHT           +30  377  

Wolf says "rolls the dice"
paulsid says "Gutsy!"
p2 says "bag: EIJQ"
Ann says "ohh cheeky"
Joey kibitzes: "girth maybe"
Joey kibitzes: "no wait, forget that"
Wolf kibitzes: "haar would give him a 70 point lead on a closed board"
diane1 says "hmmmmm"
zem says "but with two Cs and a G, and J & Q to come"
diane1 says "OE 14h????"

> JoelW:   b13 AYE             +14  318  AT

p2 says "bag: E"
Ann says "guess he had ta"
Wolf kibitzes: "too many tiles played with jq out"
Joey kibitzes: "eugenic?"

> MarkN: 15b   EUGENIC         +36  413  

MarkN draws one tile from the bag.
MarkN starts the clock.
It is JoelW's turn.
Ann says "apparently"

> JoelW: 10j   JEE             +26  344  

marvin42 says "m7 ACE eh?"
SOPH [to marvin42]: "nice find"

> MarkN: 11c   RIA             +17  430  LIN, LAD

paulsid points out he is Canadian and hasn't say 'eh' once yet.  :-)
MarkN commented that he should have played RICH not RICHT (IRL)
Ann says "You won't believe me, but I was going to suggest rich before he played it.."
Ann says "not knowing what it took tho"
jlaite says "WHOA!   my machine showed he had AE not AI    - what gives???"
p2 says "shockwave misreported last rack"
Wolf says "perhaps b13 ay instead of aye"

HASBRO is the owner of the registered SCRABBLE® trademark in the United States and Canada. © 2008 HASBRO. All rights reserved. "SCRABBLE® Brand Crossword Game" is the proper way to refer to this unique group of word games and related properties marketed by HASBRO. "SCRABBLE®" is not a generic term. To use it as such is not only misleading but also does injustice to the company responsible for the trademark's longtime popularity. All we ask is that when you mean SCRABBLE® Brand Crossword Game, you say so. 

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