:'''Tuesday 6:15 P.M.'''
::Sheehy-Palmer VFW, 525 Delaware Avenue
:'''Renewal date 12/31/10<BR><BR>
:David Goodman 518 459 1584 [mailto:qbearer@juno.com qbearer@juno.com]
:'''Call director for various times and places.'''
:'''Renewal date 12/31/10<BR><BR>
:Alan Hecht 718 252 2161
:Other contact: [mailto:JJJenerators@aol.com JJJenerators@aol.com]
:'''Thursday 6:30—10:00 P.M.'''
::Kenmore Baptist Church, 10 Wardman Road, Kenmore, NY
:'''Renewal date 12/31/10<BR><BR>
:Joan Tondra 716 847 0391 [mailto:ardnotj8@localnet.com ardnotj8@localnet.com]
:Ember Nelson 716 862 3863 [mailto:hapax29@hotmail.com hapax29@hotmail.com]
:'''Thursday 6:30—10:00 P.M.'''
::Farmingdale Knights of Columbus, 1 Morton Street
:'''Renewal date 12/31/10<BR><BR>
:Richard Ferrara 516 420 0440 [mailto:stuckwiththeQ@optonline.net stuckwiththeQ@optonline.net]
::Office building in midtown Manhattan with lobby security guard
::133 East 58th St. NY, NY 10022, 12th floor, room 1202
:'''Renewal date 12/31/10<BR><BR>
:Joel Sherman 718 881 7527 [mailto:gijoel999@aol.com gijoel999@aol.com]
:Larry Sherman [mailto:icenine@panix.net icenine@panix.net]
:'''Monday 6:30—9:30 P.M.'''
::Spiegel Community Center, 32 Lincoln Avenue
:'''Renewal date 12/31/10<BR><BR>
:Ted Rosen 585 244 2189 [mailto:tedscrab@aol.com tedscrab@aol.com]
:Olivia Durant [mailto:odurant8@gmail.com odurant8@gmail.com]
:'''Monday 6:30 P.M.'''
::Denny's Restaurant, Erie Blvd.
:'''Renewal date 12/31/10<BR><BR>
:Don & Heather Drumm 315 853 3192 [mailto:dnhdrumm@roadrunner.com dnhdrumm@roadrunner.com]
:'''Sunday 5:45—9:30 P.M.'''
:'''Renewal date 12/31/10<BR><BR>
::15 Oakley Road
::Please call 914 288 8087 to confirm before attending.