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The following message went out to our iContact list on 2014-04-02:
Dear NASPA Members,
Here they are, the candidates for Top New Word status in SCRABBLEdom!
And so on.
Check out the word-to-word combat on the HasbroGame Night Facebook Page. For Rounds 1-4, you have until April 5th to register your best lexicographic opinion as to which words should make it to the Semi-Final Matchups.
The Semi-Finals start on April 7th and run through the 8th. SCRABBLE player input will make all the difference — so cast a ballot, vote your conscience.
The Final Round on April 9th caps the competition, with the slam dunk winning word being announced on the 10th.
Hasbro challenged all wordsmiths to select a new word for the updates of the Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary and the Official Tournament and Club Word List by participating in the Showdown.
The word getting the most votes during the Word Showdown, along with all the other new words selected through the regular process, will appear in both publications and will take effect in official competitive play at some point after the August 11 release.
Tell the folks at SCRABBLE how HANGRY you are for your favorite word to come into its own as a fully blessed, playable lexi-thingy.
Vote NOWISH, and vote often!
This page was last edited on 30 September 2014, at 12:59. Privacy policy
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