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If you happen to be in the Cambridge, Ontario area, The Golden Triangle Scrabble Club (NSA #471) meets Friday nights throughout the year in the lower level rec hall of at Riverbend Place. The location in 650 Coronation Boulevard, right next to Cambridge Memorial Hospital. There is plenty of free parking.
Play begins at 7:15 p.m. (but we'd like you to arrive at least 15 minutes earlier) and concludes at about 10 p.m. The cost to play is just $3. There are three rounds of play. You will face three different opponents. Players of all skill levels are welcome. Small cash prizes are awarded. Newcomers get special short-term privileges, such as free challenges and the right to consult handy word lists during play.
We are a fun and friendly bunch. Typically 12 to 16 players attend each session. We've been doing this since February 1996. For further information about our club, kindly contact me, John Robertson, at 519-621-6432 or by email at
This page was last edited on 14 June 2009, at 08:53. Privacy policy
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