[NSA Word of the Day]

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March 21st, 2014: AMMONITE

Definition: AMMONITE*AMMONITES n the coiled shell of an extinct mollusk

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: ammoniteS

Ana-hooks: ammoniAte Gemmation Pantomime

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: amnioteS antiNome Coinmate Dominate immaneNt immoLate maSonite meantimE miSatone monaZite moRtmain nomiNate Ptomaine Seminoma

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ae aeon ai aim ain ait am amen ament ami amie amin amine amino ammine ammino ammo amnio amniote an ane ani anime anomie ant ante anti at ate atom atone eat em emit en entia eon et eta etamin etna imam immane in inmate into ion iota it item ma mae maim main mamie man mane manito mano mat mate matin me mean meant meat mem memo men meno menta met meta mi mien mim mime mimeo mina minae mine mint mite mm mo moa moan moat mom mome moment momenta momi mon monie monte mot mote na nae nam name naoi ne neat nema net nim nit nite no nom noma nome not nota note oat oaten oe oi om omen omenta omit on one ta tae tain tam tame tamein tammie tan tao tea team ten tenia ti tie time tin tine tinea to toe toea tom toman tome ton tone

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