[NSA Word of the Day]

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January 6th, 2012: TOTALISM

Definition: TOTALISM*TOTALISMS n centralized control by an autocratic authority

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: totalismS

Ana-hooks: (none)

'Typos': totalise totalist

Blana-grams: altoistS atomistS loamiEst mailLots maltiEst matElots mattoiDs mEtalist misalLot moRalist motliEst mUlattos smaltitE solatiUm stomatAl stomatiC taliPots tRitomas Voltaism

Extensions: TEEtotalismS TEEtotalism(S)

Sub-anagrams: ai ail ails aim aims ais ait aits al alist alit almost alms als also alt alto altoist altos alts am ami amis as at atilt atom atomist atoms att iota iotas is ism it its la lam lams las last lat lati lats li lima limas limo limos lis list lit litas lits lo loam loams lost lot lota lotas loti lots ma mail mails maist maloti malt malts mas mast mat mats matt matts mi mil milo milos mils milt milts mis miso mist mitt mitts mo moa moas moat moats moil moils moist mol mola molas mols molt molts mos most mot mots mott motts oast oat oats oi oil oils om omit omits oms os ostia sail sal salmi salt sat sati si sial silo silt sim sima sit slam slat slim slit slot smalt smalti smalto smit smolt so soil sol sola soli som soma somital sot stat stilt stoa stoai stoat stoma stomal stot ta tail tails tali tam tamis tams tao taos tas tat tats tatsoi ti til tils tilt tilts tis tit tits to toast toil toils toit toits tola tolas tom toms tost tot total totals tots

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