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If you need a roommate and would like a listing here, please contact Mary Rhoades and specify your requirements: male, female or either, smoking or nonsmoking, etc. She will put a listing in this section. If you already have a room, please tell what nights your room is reserved. You can list your email address or phone number. Several people successfully found roommates for the NSC this way.
IMPORTANT: When you get your roommate or ride, please contact Mary so she can remove your listing.
Ride Wanted:
Jacob Cohen needs a ride to DFW Airport as soon as the last game ends because the time of his flight has been changed. You can contact him at
Roommate Wanted:
Jake Bergmann is looking for a male, non-smoking roommate. He is arriving August 5 and departing August 10. You can reach him at 781-862-5654 or
Olinga Flisock is looking for a female, non-smoking roommate. She already has a reservation at the Intercontinental. You can reach her at 570-662-7851 or
This page was last edited on 24 May 2011, at 09:16. Privacy policy
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