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The Official Tournament and Club Word List was the official word reference for SCRABBLE play in the United States and Canada from 1996 to 2018, when it was replaced by the NASPA Word List. It was edited by the NASPA Dictionary Committee.
The fourth edition of OTCWL went on sale initially just before the 2016 North American SCRABBLE Championship and is available to members at the NASPA Store. It is a minor update, correcting errata from the previous edition, and including over 1,000 new words all of nine or more letters.
It was edited by the Dictionary Committee under the chairmanship of John Chew.
The Advisory Board established September 1, 2016 as the effective date of this lexicon for NASPA club and tournament play.
The third edition of OTCWL was the official word reference from 2015–04–10 to 2016–08–31.
It went on sale initially at the 2014 National SCRABBLE Championship and was available to members at the NASPA Store. For the first time, it includes base words of 10–15 letters and their inflections, which were formerly listed in the Long List.
It was the first word reference created by NASPA, edited by the Dictionary Committee under the chairmanship of Jim Pate.
The second edition of OTCWL was the official word reference for words of up to nine letters and their inflections from 2006–03–01 to 2015–04–09. It was edited by Merriam-Webster based on research conducted by the NSA Dictionary Committee under the chairmanship of Jim Pate.
The first edition of OTCWL was the official word reference for words of up to nine letters and their inflections from 1998–03–01 to 2006–02–28. It was edited by Merriam-Webster based on research conducted by the NSA Dictionary Committee under the chairmanship of John Chew.
See the NSA Dictionary Committee’s archived guide to known word lists.
This page was last edited on 17 July 2019, at 11:08. Privacy policy
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