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The following message went out to our iContact list on 2013-10-03:
From John Robertson of the NASPA Membership Committee:
Hi, everyone:
Many NASPA members—even those who have been involved in tournament SCRABBLE play for decades—are unaware of the various types of NASPA memberships that are available. As a public service I am going to list them here and state the various benefits. All prices are in American dollars.
Everyone is eligible for this type of membership. This is what most NASPA members have. It costs $30 and lasts exactly one year from the date of purchase. Therefore if you bought a membership on September 15, 2013, it lasts until September 15, 2014. Here’s the part that most people don’t realize: If you renew your membership at least a month before it expires, you pay just $25—a $5 savings. If you renew early and pay for more than one additional year, the cost of each additional year is just $20 for up to 4 additional years, 5 years total.
Anyone who is under 18 years of age at the time of purchase is eligible for this type of membership. It is an annual membership. The cost is $15. Youth memberships can be purchased repeatedly until the purchaser’s 18th birthday. It extends past the purchaser’s 18th birthday if, for example, it is bought when the purchaser is between the ages of 17 and 18.
This is a onetime option only available to people who have never before played at a NASPA event (or an NSA event prior to July 1, 2009). The cost--$15--is half the price of a regular membership. A player who has a trial membership can always upgrade it to a full membership by paying the extra $15 before the six-month period expires. This type of membership is a way to get newcomers into NASPA tourneys at a reduced price.
Everyone is eligible for this type of membership. This is the least used and probably least known of all the NASPA membership options. It costs $19. It is designed for players who play just one tournament per year. It must be purchased at the time the buyer intends to use it. For example, it would be of benefit to someone who always plays in a tourney on the Labor Day weekend but no other tourneys. The membership must be bought within a week of that event’s start. It cannot, for example, be bought in June and applied to September.
Everyone is eligible for this type of membership. Lifetime memberships are priced according to the purchaser’s age. Here’s the formula: (80 – the purchaser’s age) x $20. Therefore if the buyer is 67 years old, the cost would be $260. (Proof of one’s age may be required. For example, if you are buying a lifetime membership at a tourney, simply show the director any type of official document that shows your date of birth, such as a driver’s license or passport. That ought to suffice.)
There’s one minor exception: A first-time member who is 80 years old or over must purchase a regular membership for a year before applying for a life membership. Present NASPA members who are already at least 80 years old should inform the Membership Committee so their regular memberships can be switched to life memberships. Life members have a special NASPA ID number beginning with the prefix “LM.” NASPA is always looking for ways to make a lifetime membership purchase more attractive. NASPA’s Membership Committee would like to hear any ideas for life-member perquisites you may have. This year, Life Members were invited to the NSC Director Reception for hors d'oeuvres and libations.
You can purchase a membership for yourself or for a friend online at the NASPA website using a credit card.
For special types of memberships (i.e. youth or lifetime) it may be necessary to contact the membership committee for assistance.
You can purchase a membership by regular mail by sending a check or money order to:
NASPA PO Box 12115 Dallas, TX 75225-0115
If you choose this option and need to purchase a membership to play at a certain tourney, be sure to allow plenty of leeway time (2 weeks) for the mail to arrive so your membership can be processed on time. You can purchase a membership at any NASPA tournament from the director—although directors generally prefer that players use the computer option; it cuts down on their work during registration time. If you live in Canada and you don’t want to use the online option, you can pay me (John Robertson) by mail anytime in Canadian dollars. I generally apply a 1.1:1 exchange rate to cover my costs of forwarding money to the United States. (i.e. It will cost you $33 Canadian for a $30 U.S. membership).
Cheques should be made out to John Robertson, 17 Fourth Avenue, Cambridge, ON N1S 2C9. Of course I will accept anyone’s payment in person in U.S. dollars or the Canadian equivalent. I’ve processed hundreds of NASPA memberships since 2009. I’ve never mislaid a nickel of anyone’s payments yet. Look for me at major SCRABBLE events. I’m hard to miss.
John Robertson
NASPA Membership Committee Member
This page was last edited on 30 September 2014, at 10:17. Privacy policy
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