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Important note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution into the public domain. If you don't want this or can't do this because of license restrictions, please don't edit. This page is one of the Public Domain Help Pages, which can be freely copied into fresh wiki installations and/or distributed with MediaWiki software; see Help:Contents for an overview of all pages. See Project:PD help/Copying for instructions. |
If you have standard texts you want to include on several pages, the MediaWiki template feature comes into play.
Templates are standard wiki pages whose content is designed to be transcluded (embedded) inside other pages. Templates follow a convention that the name is prefixed with "Template:
", assigning it to that namespace. Therefore you can create them like any other wiki page.
Templates are wiki pages which can be used in other pages in three ways:
'transcludes' (i.e. includes a copy of) the content of the template (stored in the page [[Template:Name]]) whenever the page containing the template transclusion is fetched and displayed; i.e. if the template is later changed, the displayed transcluding page will automatically change too{{subst:Name}}
replaces that string with the contents of the template, in the source of the transcluding page, when you save that page; the copy of the template contents can then be edited normally (and separately from the original in the template page). Note: don't use this if you are looking to continually propagate changes from the source template to the page(s) that references it.{{msgnw:Name}}
includes the template in a form that displays it as raw wiki syntax (the way <nowiki>
does) when the page containing it is fetchedIn fact, an ordinary wiki page can also be used as a template, simply by specifying the namespace it resides in, so:
includes [[Template:Pagename]]
includes [[Foo:Pagename]]
includes [[Pagename]]
If no such namespace exists, the full title is assumed to be a template:
includes [[Template:Foo:Bar]]
Template:Hl2 colspan="2" align="center" |Template with numbered parameters | |
'''A little thank you...'''<br /> <small>for {{{1}}}.<br /> hugs, {{{2}}}</small> | |
Template:Hl2|You type | Template:Hl2|You get |
{{Thankyou|all your hard work|Joe}}
Template:Hl2 colspan="2" align="center" |with named parameters | |
'''A little thank you...'''<br /> <small>for {{{reason}}}.<br /> hugs, {{{signature}}}</small> | |
Template:Hl2|You type | Template:Hl2|You get |
{{Thankyou |reason=all your hard work |signature=Joe}} |
You can define parameters in templates either numbered as {{{1}}}
or named {{{param}}}
Example: You want a little thank you note you can put on the talk page of other users. It will contain a reason and your signature. You could create Template:Thankyou to enter your text, as in the example in the table.
When using the template on a page, you fill in the parameter values, separated by a pipe char (|): {{Thankyou|all your hard work|Joe}}
. For named parameters use "name=value" pairs separated by a pipe char: {{Thankyou|reason=all your hard work|signature=Joe}}
. The advantage of using named parameters in your template is that they are flexible in order. It also makes the template easier to understand if you have many parameters. If you want to change the order of numbered parameters, you have to mention them explicitly: {{Thankyou|2=Joe|1=all your hard work}}
You can also provide default values for parameters, i.e. values that are going to be used if no value is provided for a parameter. For example, {{{reason|all your hard work}}}
would result in "all your hard work" if no value was provided for the parameter reason.
You can control template inclusion by the use of <noinclude>
Anything between <noinclude>
and </noinclude>
will be processed and
displayed only when the template's page is being viewed directly.
Possible applications are:
The converse is <includeonly>
. Text between <includeonly>
and </includeonly>
will be processed and displayed only when the page is being included. The obvious application is to add all pages containing a given template to a category, without putting the template itself into that category.
Note: when you change the categories applied by a template, the categorization of the pages that use that template may not be updated until some time later: this is handled by the job queue.
For templates to be effective users need to find them and be able to use them. A simple technique is to include an example on the template page. For example:
<noinclude> == Usage == Allows to establish a link to a subject: {{NameOfTemplate|Term1+Term2+Term3}} </noinclude>
Then, an editor can simply copy and paste the example to create a similar page.
Templates often require CSS or other templates, so users frequently have trouble copying templates from one wiki to another. The steps below should work for most templates:
and not {{Languages|MediaWiki/fr}}
).The template should only be placed on pages that exist in more than one language, and it should be placed in the same location on each translation of the page.
The English version of a page is always the main version, with all other languages as sub-pages, named using the appropriate language code (see below).
For example, on the Main Page you would include the text {{Languages}}
, both on Main Page itself, and on each of its language sub-pages. The template automatically creates links to any language sub-pages that exist, e.g. Main Page/ja<tt>, <tt>Main Page/fr, and ignores non-existant languages.
See Project:Language policy for further details about translating pages.
This shows you the name of each language's sub-page (using Main Page as an example). Other languages may be added easily as necessary. Please use the appropriate prefix, as used on Wikipedia when adding a new language. Please do not add languages for which no pages exist yet, as this will increase the time needed to include the template without adding any benefit (languages are only displayed to the user when the relevant page exists).
The link on the language names goes to the Wikipedia in that language. If no Wikipedia in your language exists, do not add pages in that language to! This wiki is not the place for language advocacy - please go through the correct channels, and once your language has a Wikipedia then please return to add content here.
Page Name | Language |
Main Page | English |
Here is how the language bar looks on the MediaWiki page: Template loop detected: Template:Languages
This page was last edited on 3 March 2009, at 09:04. Privacy policy
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