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The Executive Committee has prepared the following contribution to NASPA's 2014 collection of reports on committee activity.
This has been a busy and productive year for the Executive Committee, and one in which we feel that our efforts over the past five years in developing the Association have begun to bear fruit. The nurturing of our business relationship with Hasbro has led to a closer partnership at the National SCRABBLE Championship and the National School SCRABBLE Championship, and the release of the Dictionary Committee's new edition of the Official Tournament and Club Word List strengthened our ties with Merriam-Webster.
Our main roles remain as always to oversee the function of our other committees, to be the public face of the association (including media relations) and in so doing maintain business relationships with other organizations, such as Hasbro, Merriam-Webster, MSI, and our various venues and suppliers.
— John Chew, Co-Chair
This page was last edited on 11 August 2014, at 17:02. Privacy policy
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