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The 2011 Can-Am SCRABBLE® Challenge (2011 Can-Am) will take place on March 19–20, 2011 at the Radisson Hotel at 2120 16 Ave. NE, Calgary, AB. Seven players qualify from each of Canada and the United States to contest the possession of the Challenge Trophy. Since the first Can-Am in 2002, the U.S.A. has led Canada 5–2.
NASPA operates the qualification system that selects the players for each team. Questions concerning qualification should be sent to John Chew. The 2011 Can-Am will be directed by Siri Tillekeratne and Betty Bergeron, to whom all other inquiries should be sent. (Please note that Siri will be abroad and offline from January 6 to February 24.) The deadline to register is February 19, 2011.
Live updates will be posted from the event at the NASPA Club 374 website.
(We mention here that this event is sometimes erroneously referred to as the CanAm or Can Am, to help people who search for it under those names.)
This page was last edited on 18 March 2011, at 22:39. Privacy policy
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