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In 2011, NASPA held an election to replace members of its Advisory Board (AB) for the first time. This page describes the process governing these elections, and will be revised in future years with greater generality.
The composition of the AB over the years under NASPA is available at this website.
Because of the short planning horizon this year, these elections are being run on a provisional basis by the Executive Committee. Volunteers to take over this job in this and future years are welcome to apply to the Executive Committee.
This year’s election will elect two members, one from each of two districts with roughly equal membership population. The Western district consists of Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Manitoba and Nunavut, and all states, provinces and countries to their west as far as Asia and Australia; the Eastern district consists of all other areas.
For the purposes of the election, candidates and voters will be assigned to districts based on their membership addresses.
For the purposes of this election, a NASPA member is considered to be in good standing if they are not under suspension and their membership is valid at least through the end of the 2011 National SCRABBLE Championship on August 10. AB Members are required to comply with the obligations of NASPA committee members.
This year’s nomination period begins on June 17 and ends at midnight on the evening of July 10. (These dates have been chosen to permit nominations to begin as early as possible, while allowing for as long a nomination period as possible following the publication of an announcement of this election in the June issue of the NASPA Bulletin.) During that time, any NASPA member in good standing may nominate themselves or have others nominate them to run for election to the AB. One nomination suffices per nominee. Nominees may refuse nomination. Incumbent AB members may stand for reelection, as may members of NASPA committees. There is no limit as to the number of nominees in each district.
To submit a nomination, please email The nomination will take effect when the nominee’s name is added to the list of nominees on this page.
Nominees are encouraged to submit a brief statement describing their qualifications, background, platform, and any other information that might be of use to voters.
Voting will take place from July 15–31 inclusive, Eastern time. Votes will be accepted by paper or electronically. Each voter is entitled to vote for one candidate.
Paper votes may be sent to NASPA by postal mail, and must arrive during the voting period to be accepted. Paper votes are not anonymous, and must identify the voter and their vote.
Electronic votes should be made through the Member Services link at the NASPA website. Electronic votes will be anonymous, except inasmuch as a skilled person with access to the NASPA server could eventually reconstruct voting information.
The winner of each election will be determined by plurality. If an election ends in a tie, a runoff election will be held. Deadlines to submit votes will be announced as necessary. If the runoff election ends in a tie, a lottery or coin toss will be used to break the tie.
Any disputes about the elections process will be decided by the AB, excluding those members running for reelection.
As mentioned above, Siri Tillekeratne is acclaimed in the Western District.
In the four-way race in the Eastern District, the candidates received the following percentages of the vote: Jan Cardia (31%), Shelley Ubeika (28%), Betsey Wood (25%), Doug Brockmeier (16%). Jan Cardia is therefore elected to the Eastern District seat on the Advisory Board.
This page was last edited on 6 May 2017, at 20:54. Privacy policy
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