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wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-header (talk) (Translate) Add header row
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-rows (talk) (Translate) Rows
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example (talk) (Translate) Example
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text (talk) (Translate) Cell text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-header (talk) (Translate) Header text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-old (talk) (Translate) - ! header 1 ! header 2 ! header 3 |- | row 1, cell 1 | row 1, cell 2 | row 1, cell 3 |- | row 2, cell 1 | row 2, cell 2 | row 2, cell 3
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-text (talk) (Translate) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec purus diam. Sed aliquam imperdiet nunc quis lacinia. Donec rutrum consectetur placerat. Sed volutpat neque non purus faucibus id ultricies enim euismod.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-insert (talk) (Translate) Insert
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-invalidnumber (talk) (Translate) You have not entered a valid number of rows or columns.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-preview (talk) (Translate) Preview
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-sortable (talk) (Translate) Make table sortable
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-title (talk) (Translate) Insert table
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-toomany (talk) (Translate) Inserting a table with more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|cells}} is not possible with this dialog.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-wikitable (talk) (Translate) Style with borders
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-zero (talk) (Translate) You cannot insert a table with zero rows or columns.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ulist (talk) (Translate) Bulleted list
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ulist-example (talk) (Translate) Bulleted list item
wikieditor-wikitext-tab (talk) (Translate) Wikitext
windows-nonascii-filename (talk) (Translate) This wiki does not support filenames with special characters.
withoutinterwiki (talk) (Translate) Pages without language links
withoutinterwiki-legend (talk) (Translate) Prefix
withoutinterwiki-submit (talk) (Translate) Show
withoutinterwiki-summary (talk) (Translate) The following pages do not link to other language versions.
wlheader-enotif (talk) (Translate) Email notification is enabled.
wlheader-showupdated (talk) (Translate) Pages that have been changed since you last visited them are shown in <strong>bold</strong>.
wlnote (talk) (Translate) Below {{PLURAL:$1|is the last change|are the last <strong>$1</strong> changes}} in the last {{PLURAL:$2|hour|<strong>$2</strong> hours}}, as of $3, $4.
wlshowhideanons (talk) (Translate) anonymous users
wlshowhidebots (talk) (Translate) bots
wlshowhidecategorization (talk) (Translate) page categorization
wlshowhideliu (talk) (Translate) registered users
wlshowhidemine (talk) (Translate) my edits
wlshowhideminor (talk) (Translate) minor edits
wlshowhidepatr (talk) (Translate) patrolled edits
wlshowlast (talk) (Translate) Show last $1 hours $2 days
wlshowtime (talk) (Translate) Period of time to display:
word-separator (talk) (Translate)
wrongpassword (talk) (Translate) Incorrect password entered. Please try again.
wrongpasswordempty (talk) (Translate) Password entered was blank. Please try again.
xffblockreason (talk) (Translate) An IP address present in the X-Forwarded-For header, either yours or that of a proxy server you are using, has been blocked. The original block reason was: $1
xml-error-string (talk) (Translate) $1 at line $2, col $3 (byte $4): $5
xxx-NASPA-comment-JJC (talk) (Translate) The following three lines were edited to change Username to NASPA ID
year (talk) (Translate) From year (and earlier):
years (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 year|$1 years}}
yesterday-at (talk) (Translate) Yesterday at $1
youhavenewmessages (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$3|You have}} $1 ($2).
youhavenewmessagesfromusers (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$4|You have}} $1 from {{PLURAL:$3|another user|$3 users}} ($2).
youhavenewmessagesmanyusers (talk) (Translate) You have $1 from many users ($2).
youhavenewmessagesmulti (talk) (Translate) You have new messages on $1
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