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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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upload-default-description (talk) (Translate) -
upload-description (talk) (Translate) File description
upload-dialog-button-back (talk) (Translate) Back
upload-dialog-button-cancel (talk) (Translate) Cancel
upload-dialog-button-done (talk) (Translate) Done
upload-dialog-button-save (talk) (Translate) Save
upload-dialog-button-upload (talk) (Translate) Upload
upload-dialog-disabled (talk) (Translate) File uploads using this dialog are disabled on this wiki.
upload-dialog-title (talk) (Translate) Upload file
upload-disallowed-here (talk) (Translate) You cannot overwrite this file.
upload-file-error (talk) (Translate) Internal error
upload-file-error-text (talk) (Translate) An internal error occurred when attempting to create a temporary file on the server. Please contact an [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|administrator]].
upload-foreign-cant-load-config (talk) (Translate) Failed to load the configuration for file uploads to the foreign file repository.
upload-foreign-cant-upload (talk) (Translate) This wiki is not configured to upload files to the requested foreign file repository.
upload-form-label-infoform-categories (talk) (Translate) Categories
upload-form-label-infoform-date (talk) (Translate) Date
upload-form-label-infoform-description (talk) (Translate) Description
upload-form-label-infoform-description-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Briefly describe everything notable about the work. For a photo, mention the main things that are depicted, the occasion, or the place.
upload-form-label-infoform-name (talk) (Translate) Name
upload-form-label-infoform-name-tooltip (talk) (Translate) A unique descriptive title for the file, which will serve as a filename. You may use plain language with spaces. Do not include the file extension.
upload-form-label-infoform-title (talk) (Translate) Details
upload-form-label-not-own-work-local-generic-foreign (talk) (Translate) You may also want to try using [[Special:Upload|the upload page on {{SITENAME}}]], if this file can be uploaded there under their policies.
upload-form-label-not-own-work-local-generic-local (talk) (Translate) You may also want to try [[Special:Upload|the default upload page]].
upload-form-label-not-own-work-message-generic-foreign (talk) (Translate) If you are not able to upload this file under the policies of the shared repository, please close this dialog and try another method.
upload-form-label-not-own-work-message-generic-local (talk) (Translate) If you are not able to upload this file under the policies of {{SITENAME}}, please close this dialog and try another method.
upload-form-label-own-work (talk) (Translate) This is my own work
upload-form-label-own-work-message-generic-foreign (talk) (Translate) I understand that I am uploading this file to a shared repository. I confirm that I am doing so following the terms of service and licensing policies there.
upload-form-label-own-work-message-generic-local (talk) (Translate) I confirm that I am uploading this file following the terms of service and licensing policies on {{SITENAME}}.
upload-form-label-usage-filename (talk) (Translate) File name
upload-form-label-usage-title (talk) (Translate) Usage
upload-http-error (talk) (Translate) An HTTP error occurred: $1
upload-maxfilesize (talk) (Translate) Maximum file size: $1
upload-misc-error (talk) (Translate) Unknown upload error
upload-misc-error-text (talk) (Translate) An unknown error occurred during the upload. Please verify that the URL is valid and accessible and try again. If the problem persists, contact an [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|administrator]].
upload-options (talk) (Translate) Upload options
upload-permitted (talk) (Translate) Permitted file {{PLURAL:$2|type|types}}: $1.
upload-preferred (talk) (Translate) Preferred file {{PLURAL:$2|type|types}}: $1.
upload-prohibited (talk) (Translate) Prohibited file {{PLURAL:$2|type|types}}: $1.
upload-proto-error (talk) (Translate) Incorrect protocol
upload-proto-error-text (talk) (Translate) Remote upload requires URLs beginning with <code>http://</code> or <code>ftp://</code>.
upload-recreate-warning (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning: A file by that name has been deleted or moved.</strong> The deletion and move log for this page are provided here for convenience:
upload-scripted-dtd (talk) (Translate) Cannot upload SVG files that contain a non-standard DTD declaration.
upload-scripted-pi-callback (talk) (Translate) Cannot upload a file that contains XML-stylesheet processing instruction.
upload-source (talk) (Translate) Source file
upload-summary (talk) (Translate)  
upload-too-many-redirects (talk) (Translate) The URL contained too many redirects
upload-tryagain (talk) (Translate) Submit modified file description
upload_directory_missing (talk) (Translate) The upload directory ($1) is missing and could not be created by the webserver.
upload_directory_read_only (talk) (Translate) The upload directory ($1) is not writable by the webserver.
upload_source_file (talk) (Translate) (your chosen file from your computer)
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