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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Name Default message text
Current message text
json-error-recursion (talk) (Translate) One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded
json-error-state-mismatch (talk) (Translate) Invalid or malformed JSON
json-error-syntax (talk) (Translate) Syntax error
json-error-unknown (talk) (Translate) There was a problem with the JSON. Error: $1
json-error-unsupported-type (talk) (Translate) A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given
json-error-utf8 (talk) (Translate) Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded
json-warn-trailing-comma (talk) (Translate) $1 trailing {{PLURAL:$1|comma was|commas were}} removed from JSON
jul (talk) (Translate) Jul
july (talk) (Translate) July
july-date (talk) (Translate) July $1
july-gen (talk) (Translate) July
jumpto (talk) (Translate) Jump to:
jumptonavigation (talk) (Translate) navigation
jumptosearch (talk) (Translate) search
jun (talk) (Translate) Jun
june (talk) (Translate) June
june-date (talk) (Translate) June $1
june-gen (talk) (Translate) June
just-now (talk) (Translate) just now
lag-warn-high (talk) (Translate) Due to high database server lag, changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
lag-warn-normal (talk) (Translate) Changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
laggedslavemode (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> Page may not contain recent updates.
language-converter-depth-warning (talk) (Translate) Language converter depth limit exceeded ($1)
large-file (talk) (Translate) It is recommended that files are no larger than $1; this file is $2.
largefileserver (talk) (Translate) This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.
last (talk) (Translate) prev
lastmodifiedat (talk) (Translate) This page was last edited on $1, at $2.
lastmodifiedatby (talk) (Translate) This page was last edited $2, $1 by $3.
license (talk) (Translate) Licensing:
license-header (talk) (Translate) Licensing
license-nopreview (talk) (Translate) (Preview not available)
licenses (talk) (Translate) -
licenses-edit (talk) (Translate) Edit license options
limitreport-cputime (talk) (Translate) CPU time usage
limitreport-cputime-value (talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}
limitreport-expansiondepth (talk) (Translate) Highest expansion depth
limitreport-expansiondepth-value (talk) (Translate) $1/$2
limitreport-expensivefunctioncount (talk) (Translate) Expensive parser function count
limitreport-expensivefunctioncount-value (talk) (Translate) $1/$2
limitreport-postexpandincludesize (talk) (Translate) Post-expand include size
limitreport-postexpandincludesize-value (talk) (Translate) $1/$2 {{PLURAL:$2|byte|bytes}}
limitreport-ppgeneratednodes (talk) (Translate) Preprocessor generated node count
limitreport-ppgeneratednodes-value (talk) (Translate) $1/$2
limitreport-ppvisitednodes (talk) (Translate) Preprocessor visited node count
limitreport-ppvisitednodes-value (talk) (Translate) $1/$2
limitreport-templateargumentsize (talk) (Translate) Template argument size
limitreport-templateargumentsize-value (talk) (Translate) $1/$2 {{PLURAL:$2|byte|bytes}}
limitreport-title (talk) (Translate) Parser profiling data:
limitreport-walltime (talk) (Translate) Real time usage
limitreport-walltime-value (talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}
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