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System messages

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Name Default message text
Current message text
exif-sharpness-0 (talk) (Translate) Normal
exif-sharpness-1 (talk) (Translate) Soft
exif-sharpness-2 (talk) (Translate) Hard
exif-shutterspeedvalue (talk) (Translate) APEX shutter speed
exif-software (talk) (Translate) Software used
exif-software-value (talk) (Translate) $1
exif-software-version-value (talk) (Translate) $1 (Version $2)
exif-source (talk) (Translate) Source
exif-specialinstructions (talk) (Translate) Special instructions
exif-spectralsensitivity (talk) (Translate) Spectral sensitivity
exif-stripbytecounts (talk) (Translate) Bytes per compressed strip
exif-stripoffsets (talk) (Translate) Image data location
exif-subjectarea (talk) (Translate) Subject area
exif-subjectdistance (talk) (Translate) Subject distance
exif-subjectdistance-value (talk) (Translate) $1 meters
exif-subjectdistancerange (talk) (Translate) Subject distance range
exif-subjectdistancerange-0 (talk) (Translate) Unknown
exif-subjectdistancerange-1 (talk) (Translate) Macro
exif-subjectdistancerange-2 (talk) (Translate) Close view
exif-subjectdistancerange-3 (talk) (Translate) Distant view
exif-subjectlocation (talk) (Translate) Subject location
exif-subjectnewscode (talk) (Translate) Subject code
exif-subjectnewscode-value (talk) (Translate) $2 ($1)
exif-sublocationcreated (talk) (Translate) Sublocation of the city that the picture was taken in
exif-sublocationdest (talk) (Translate) Sublocation of city shown
exif-subsectime (talk) (Translate) DateTime subseconds
exif-subsectimedigitized (talk) (Translate) DateTimeDigitized subseconds
exif-subsectimeoriginal (talk) (Translate) DateTimeOriginal subseconds
exif-unknowndate (talk) (Translate) Unknown date
exif-urgency (talk) (Translate) Urgency
exif-urgency-high (talk) (Translate) High ($1)
exif-urgency-low (talk) (Translate) Low ($1)
exif-urgency-normal (talk) (Translate) Normal ($1)
exif-urgency-other (talk) (Translate) User-defined priority ($1)
exif-usageterms (talk) (Translate) Usage terms
exif-usercomment (talk) (Translate) User comments
exif-webstatement (talk) (Translate) Online copyright statement
exif-whitebalance (talk) (Translate) White balance
exif-whitebalance-0 (talk) (Translate) Auto white balance
exif-whitebalance-1 (talk) (Translate) Manual white balance
exif-whitepoint (talk) (Translate) White point chromaticity
exif-worldregioncreated (talk) (Translate) World region that the picture was taken in
exif-worldregiondest (talk) (Translate) World region shown
exif-writer (talk) (Translate) Writer
exif-xresolution (talk) (Translate) Horizontal resolution
exif-xyresolution-c (talk) (Translate) $1 dpc
exif-xyresolution-i (talk) (Translate) $1 dpi
exif-ycbcrcoefficients (talk) (Translate) Color space transformation matrix coefficients
exif-ycbcrpositioning (talk) (Translate) Y and C positioning
exif-ycbcrpositioning-1 (talk) (Translate) Centered
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