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System messages

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Name Default message text
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exif-headline (talk) (Translate) Headline
exif-identifier (talk) (Translate) Identifier
exif-iimcategory (talk) (Translate) Category
exif-iimcategory-ace (talk) (Translate) Arts, culture and entertainment
exif-iimcategory-clj (talk) (Translate) Crime and law
exif-iimcategory-dis (talk) (Translate) Disasters and accidents
exif-iimcategory-edu (talk) (Translate) Education
exif-iimcategory-evn (talk) (Translate) Environment
exif-iimcategory-fin (talk) (Translate) Economy and business
exif-iimcategory-hth (talk) (Translate) Health
exif-iimcategory-hum (talk) (Translate) Human interest
exif-iimcategory-lab (talk) (Translate) Labor
exif-iimcategory-lif (talk) (Translate) Lifestyle and leisure
exif-iimcategory-pol (talk) (Translate) Politics
exif-iimcategory-rel (talk) (Translate) Religion and belief
exif-iimcategory-sci (talk) (Translate) Science and technology
exif-iimcategory-soi (talk) (Translate) Social issues
exif-iimcategory-spo (talk) (Translate) Sports
exif-iimcategory-war (talk) (Translate) War, conflict and unrest
exif-iimcategory-wea (talk) (Translate) Weather
exif-iimsupplementalcategory (talk) (Translate) Supplemental categories
exif-iimversion (talk) (Translate) IIM version
exif-imagedescription (talk) (Translate) Image title
exif-imagelength (talk) (Translate) Height
exif-imageuniqueid (talk) (Translate) Unique image ID
exif-imagewidth (talk) (Translate) Width
exif-intellectualgenre (talk) (Translate) Type of item
exif-isospeedratings (talk) (Translate) ISO speed rating
exif-isospeedratings-overflow (talk) (Translate) Greater than 65535
exif-jpegfilecomment (talk) (Translate) JPEG file comment
exif-jpeginterchangeformat (talk) (Translate) Offset to JPEG SOI
exif-jpeginterchangeformatlength (talk) (Translate) Bytes of JPEG data
exif-keywords (talk) (Translate) Keywords
exif-label (talk) (Translate) Label
exif-languagecode (talk) (Translate) Language
exif-lens (talk) (Translate) Lens used
exif-licenseurl (talk) (Translate) URL for copyright license
exif-lightsource (talk) (Translate) Light source
exif-lightsource-0 (talk) (Translate) Unknown
exif-lightsource-1 (talk) (Translate) Daylight
exif-lightsource-10 (talk) (Translate) Cloudy weather
exif-lightsource-11 (talk) (Translate) Shade
exif-lightsource-12 (talk) (Translate) Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 – 7100K)
exif-lightsource-13 (talk) (Translate) Day white fluorescent (N 4600 – 5400K)
exif-lightsource-14 (talk) (Translate) Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 – 4500K)
exif-lightsource-15 (talk) (Translate) White fluorescent (WW 3200 – 3700K)
exif-lightsource-17 (talk) (Translate) Standard light A
exif-lightsource-18 (talk) (Translate) Standard light B
exif-lightsource-19 (talk) (Translate) Standard light C
exif-lightsource-2 (talk) (Translate) Fluorescent
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