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System messages

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exif-gpsareainformation (talk) (Translate) Name of GPS area
exif-gpsdatestamp (talk) (Translate) GPS date
exif-gpsdestbearing (talk) (Translate) Bearing of destination
exif-gpsdestbearingref (talk) (Translate) Reference for bearing of destination
exif-gpsdestdistance (talk) (Translate) Distance to destination
exif-gpsdestdistance-k (talk) (Translate) Kilometers
exif-gpsdestdistance-m (talk) (Translate) Miles
exif-gpsdestdistance-n (talk) (Translate) Nautical miles
exif-gpsdestdistanceref (talk) (Translate) Reference for distance to destination
exif-gpsdestlatitude (talk) (Translate) Latitude destination
exif-gpsdestlatituderef (talk) (Translate) Reference for latitude of destination
exif-gpsdestlongitude (talk) (Translate) Longitude of destination
exif-gpsdestlongituderef (talk) (Translate) Reference for longitude of destination
exif-gpsdifferential (talk) (Translate) GPS differential correction
exif-gpsdirection-m (talk) (Translate) Magnetic direction
exif-gpsdirection-t (talk) (Translate) True direction
exif-gpsdop (talk) (Translate) Measurement precision
exif-gpsdop-excellent (talk) (Translate) Excellent ($1)
exif-gpsdop-fair (talk) (Translate) Fair ($1)
exif-gpsdop-good (talk) (Translate) Good ($1)
exif-gpsdop-moderate (talk) (Translate) Moderate ($1)
exif-gpsdop-poor (talk) (Translate) Poor ($1)
exif-gpsimgdirection (talk) (Translate) Direction of image
exif-gpsimgdirectionref (talk) (Translate) Reference for direction of image
exif-gpslatitude (talk) (Translate) Latitude
exif-gpslatitude-n (talk) (Translate) North latitude
exif-gpslatitude-s (talk) (Translate) South latitude
exif-gpslatituderef (talk) (Translate) North or south latitude
exif-gpslongitude (talk) (Translate) Longitude
exif-gpslongitude-e (talk) (Translate) East longitude
exif-gpslongitude-w (talk) (Translate) West longitude
exif-gpslongituderef (talk) (Translate) East or west longitude
exif-gpsmapdatum (talk) (Translate) Geodetic survey data used
exif-gpsmeasuremode (talk) (Translate) Measurement mode
exif-gpsmeasuremode-2 (talk) (Translate) 2-dimensional measurement
exif-gpsmeasuremode-3 (talk) (Translate) 3-dimensional measurement
exif-gpsprocessingmethod (talk) (Translate) Name of GPS processing method
exif-gpssatellites (talk) (Translate) Satellites used for measurement
exif-gpsspeed (talk) (Translate) Speed of GPS receiver
exif-gpsspeed-k (talk) (Translate) Kilometers per hour
exif-gpsspeed-m (talk) (Translate) Miles per hour
exif-gpsspeed-n (talk) (Translate) Knots
exif-gpsspeedref (talk) (Translate) Speed unit
exif-gpsstatus (talk) (Translate) Receiver status
exif-gpsstatus-a (talk) (Translate) Measurement in progress
exif-gpsstatus-v (talk) (Translate) Measurement interoperability
exif-gpstimestamp (talk) (Translate) GPS time (atomic clock)
exif-gpstrack (talk) (Translate) Direction of movement
exif-gpstrackref (talk) (Translate) Reference for direction of movement
exif-gpsversionid (talk) (Translate) GPS tag version
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