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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Current message text
apisandbox-alert-field (talk) (Translate) The value of this field is not valid.
apisandbox-alert-page (talk) (Translate) Fields on this page are not valid.
apisandbox-api-disabled (talk) (Translate) The API is disabled on this site.
apisandbox-continue (talk) (Translate) Continue
apisandbox-continue-clear (talk) (Translate) Clear
apisandbox-continue-help (talk) (Translate) {{int:apisandbox-continue}} will [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Query#Continuing_queries continue] the last request; {{int:apisandbox-continue-clear}} will clear continuation-related parameters.
apisandbox-deprecated-parameters (talk) (Translate) Deprecated parameters
apisandbox-dynamic-error-exists (talk) (Translate) A parameter named "$1" already exists.
apisandbox-dynamic-parameters (talk) (Translate) Additional parameters
apisandbox-dynamic-parameters-add-label (talk) (Translate) Add parameter:
apisandbox-dynamic-parameters-add-placeholder (talk) (Translate) Parameter name
apisandbox-examples (talk) (Translate) Examples
apisandbox-fetch-token (talk) (Translate) Auto-fill the token
apisandbox-fullscreen (talk) (Translate) Expand panel
apisandbox-fullscreen-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Expand the sandbox panel to fill the browser window.
apisandbox-helpurls (talk) (Translate) Help links
apisandbox-intro (talk) (Translate) Use this page to experiment with the <strong>MediaWiki web service API</strong>. Refer to [[mw:API:Main page|the API documentation]] for further details of API usage. Example: [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API#A_simple_example get the content of a Main Page]. Select an action to see more examples. Note that, although this is a sandbox, actions you carry out on this page may modify the wiki.
apisandbox-jsonly (talk) (Translate) JavaScript is required to use the API sandbox.
apisandbox-load-error (talk) (Translate) An error occurred while loading information for API module "$1": $2
apisandbox-loading (talk) (Translate) Loading information for API module "$1"...
apisandbox-loading-results (talk) (Translate) Receiving API results...
apisandbox-multivalue-all-namespaces (talk) (Translate) $1 (All namespaces)
apisandbox-multivalue-all-values (talk) (Translate) $1 (All values)
apisandbox-no-parameters (talk) (Translate) This API module has no parameters.
apisandbox-param-limit (talk) (Translate) Enter <kbd>max</kbd> to use the maximum limit.
apisandbox-request-format-json-label (talk) (Translate) JSON
apisandbox-request-format-url-label (talk) (Translate) URL query string
apisandbox-request-json-label (talk) (Translate) Request JSON:
apisandbox-request-selectformat-label (talk) (Translate) Show request data as:
apisandbox-request-time (talk) (Translate) Request time: {{PLURAL:$1|$1 ms}}
apisandbox-request-url-label (talk) (Translate) Request URL:
apisandbox-reset (talk) (Translate) Clear
apisandbox-results (talk) (Translate) Results
apisandbox-results-error (talk) (Translate) An error occurred while loading the API query response: $1.
apisandbox-results-fixtoken (talk) (Translate) Correct token and resubmit
apisandbox-results-fixtoken-fail (talk) (Translate) Failed to fetch "$1" token.
apisandbox-retry (talk) (Translate) Retry
apisandbox-sending-request (talk) (Translate) Sending API request...
apisandbox-submit (talk) (Translate) Make request
apisandbox-submit-invalid-fields-message (talk) (Translate) Please correct the marked fields and try again.
apisandbox-submit-invalid-fields-title (talk) (Translate) Some fields are invalid
apisandbox-summary (talk) (Translate)  
apisandbox-unfullscreen (talk) (Translate) Show page
apisandbox-unfullscreen-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Reduce the sandbox panel, so MediaWiki navigation links are available.
apiwarn-alldeletedrevisions-performance (talk) (Translate) For better performance when generating titles, set <kbd>$1dir=newer</kbd>.
apiwarn-badurlparam (talk) (Translate) Could not parse <var>$1urlparam</var> for $2. Using only width and height.
apiwarn-badutf8 (talk) (Translate) The value passed for <var>$1</var> contains invalid or non-normalized data. Textual data should be valid, NFC-normalized Unicode without C0 control characters other than HT (\t), LF (\n), and CR (\r).
apiwarn-checktoken-percentencoding (talk) (Translate) Check that symbols such as "+" in the token are properly percent-encoded in the URL.
apiwarn-deprecation-deletedrevs (talk) (Translate) <kbd>list=deletedrevs</kbd> has been deprecated. Please use <kbd>prop=deletedrevisions</kbd> or <kbd>list=alldeletedrevisions</kbd> instead.
apiwarn-deprecation-expandtemplates-prop (talk) (Translate) Because no values have been specified for the <var>prop</var> parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the <var>prop</var> parameter, causing the new format to always be used.
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