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apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-generatexml (talk) (Translate) Generate XML parse tree for revision content (requires $1prop=content; replaced by <kbd>$1prop=parsetree</kbd>).
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-limit (talk) (Translate) Limit how many revisions will be returned.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-parse (talk) (Translate) Parse revision content (requires $1prop=content). For performance reasons, if this option is used, $1limit is enforced to 1.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-prop (talk) (Translate) Which properties to get for each revision:
apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-section (talk) (Translate) Only retrieve the content of this section number.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-comment (talk) (Translate) Comment by the user for the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-content (talk) (Translate) Text of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-contentmodel (talk) (Translate) Content model ID of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-flags (talk) (Translate) Revision flags (minor).
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-ids (talk) (Translate) The ID of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-parsedcomment (talk) (Translate) Parsed comment by the user for the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-parsetree (talk) (Translate) The XML parse tree of revision content (requires content model <code>$1</code>).
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-sha1 (talk) (Translate) SHA-1 (base 16) of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-size (talk) (Translate) Length (bytes) of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-tags (talk) (Translate) Tags for the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-timestamp (talk) (Translate) The timestamp of the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-user (talk) (Translate) User that made the revision.
apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-userid (talk) (Translate) User ID of the revision creator.
apihelp-query+revisions-description (talk) (Translate) Get revision information. May be used in several ways: # Get data about a set of pages (last revision), by setting titles or pageids. # Get revisions for one given page, by using titles or pageids with start, end, or limit. # Get data about a set of revisions by setting their IDs with revids.
apihelp-query+revisions-example-content (talk) (Translate) Get data with content for the last revision of titles <kbd>API</kbd> and <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-query+revisions-example-first5 (talk) (Translate) Get first 5 revisions of the <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-query+revisions-example-first5-after (talk) (Translate) Get first 5 revisions of the <kbd>Main Page</kbd> made after 2006-05-01.
apihelp-query+revisions-example-first5-not-localhost (talk) (Translate) Get first 5 revisions of the <kbd>Main Page</kbd> that were not made by anonymous user <kbd></kbd>.
apihelp-query+revisions-example-first5-user (talk) (Translate) Get first 5 revisions of the <kbd>Main Page</kbd> that were made by the user <kbd>MediaWiki default</kbd>.
apihelp-query+revisions-example-last5 (talk) (Translate) Get last 5 revisions of the <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-query+revisions-param-end (talk) (Translate) Enumerate up to this timestamp.
apihelp-query+revisions-param-endid (talk) (Translate) Stop revision enumeration on this revision ID.
apihelp-query+revisions-param-excludeuser (talk) (Translate) Exclude revisions made by user.
apihelp-query+revisions-param-start (talk) (Translate) From which revision timestamp to start enumeration.
apihelp-query+revisions-param-startid (talk) (Translate) From which revision ID to start enumeration.
apihelp-query+revisions-param-tag (talk) (Translate) Only list revisions tagged with this tag.
apihelp-query+revisions-param-token (talk) (Translate) Which tokens to obtain for each revision.
apihelp-query+revisions-param-user (talk) (Translate) Only include revisions made by user.
apihelp-query+revisions-paraminfo-singlepageonly (talk) (Translate) May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
apihelp-query+search-description (talk) (Translate) Perform a full text search.
apihelp-query+search-example-generator (talk) (Translate) Get page info about the pages returned for a search for <kbd>meaning</kbd>.
apihelp-query+search-example-simple (talk) (Translate) Search for <kbd>meaning</kbd>.
apihelp-query+search-example-text (talk) (Translate) Search texts for <kbd>meaning</kbd>.
apihelp-query+search-param-backend (talk) (Translate) Which search backend to use, if not the default.
apihelp-query+search-param-enablerewrites (talk) (Translate) Enable internal query rewriting. Some search backends can rewrite the query into one its thinks gives better results, such as correcting spelling errors.
apihelp-query+search-param-info (talk) (Translate) Which metadata to return.
apihelp-query+search-param-interwiki (talk) (Translate) Include interwiki results in the search, if available.
apihelp-query+search-param-limit (talk) (Translate) How many total pages to return.
apihelp-query+search-param-namespace (talk) (Translate) Search only within these namespaces.
apihelp-query+search-param-prop (talk) (Translate) Which properties to return:
apihelp-query+search-param-qiprofile (talk) (Translate) Query independent profile to use (affects ranking algorithm).
apihelp-query+search-param-what (talk) (Translate) Which type of search to perform.
apihelp-query+search-paramvalue-prop-categorysnippet (talk) (Translate) Adds a parsed snippet of the matching category.
apihelp-query+search-paramvalue-prop-hasrelated (talk) (Translate) <span class="apihelp-deprecated">Deprecated and ignored.</span>
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