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apihelp-parse-description (talk) (Translate) Parses content and returns parser output. See the various prop-modules of <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query|action=query]]</kbd> to get information from the current version of a page. There are several ways to specify the text to parse: # Specify a page or revision, using <var>$1page</var>, <var>$1pageid</var>, or <var>$1oldid</var>. # Specify content explicitly, using <var>$1text</var>, <var>$1title</var>, and <var>$1contentmodel</var>. # Specify only a summary to parse. <var>$1prop</var> should be given an empty value.
apihelp-parse-example-page (talk) (Translate) Parse a page.
apihelp-parse-example-summary (talk) (Translate) Parse a summary.
apihelp-parse-example-text (talk) (Translate) Parse wikitext.
apihelp-parse-example-texttitle (talk) (Translate) Parse wikitext, specifying the page title.
apihelp-parse-param-contentformat (talk) (Translate) Content serialization format used for the input text. Only valid when used with $1text.
apihelp-parse-param-contentmodel (talk) (Translate) Content model of the input text. If omitted, $1title must be specified, and default will be the model of the specified title. Only valid when used with $1text.
apihelp-parse-param-disableeditsection (talk) (Translate) Omit edit section links from the parser output.
apihelp-parse-param-disablelimitreport (talk) (Translate) Omit the limit report ("NewPP limit report") from the parser output.
apihelp-parse-param-disablepp (talk) (Translate) Use <var>$1disablelimitreport</var> instead.
apihelp-parse-param-disabletidy (talk) (Translate) Do not run HTML cleanup (e.g. tidy) on the parser output.
apihelp-parse-param-disabletoc (talk) (Translate) Omit table of contents in output.
apihelp-parse-param-generatexml (talk) (Translate) Generate XML parse tree (requires content model <code>$1</code>; replaced by <kbd>$2prop=parsetree</kbd>).
apihelp-parse-param-mainpage (talk) (Translate) Apply mobile main page transformations.
apihelp-parse-param-mobileformat (talk) (Translate) Return parse output in a format suitable for mobile devices.
apihelp-parse-param-noimages (talk) (Translate) Disable images in mobile output.
apihelp-parse-param-oldid (talk) (Translate) Parse the content of this revision. Overrides <var>$1page</var> and <var>$1pageid</var>.
apihelp-parse-param-onlypst (talk) (Translate) Do a pre-save transform (PST) on the input, but don't parse it. Returns the same wikitext, after a PST has been applied. Only valid when used with <var>$1text</var>.
apihelp-parse-param-page (talk) (Translate) Parse the content of this page. Cannot be used together with <var>$1text</var> and <var>$1title</var>.
apihelp-parse-param-pageid (talk) (Translate) Parse the content of this page. Overrides <var>$1page</var>.
apihelp-parse-param-preview (talk) (Translate) Parse in preview mode.
apihelp-parse-param-prop (talk) (Translate) Which pieces of information to get:
apihelp-parse-param-pst (talk) (Translate) Do a pre-save transform on the input before parsing it. Only valid when used with text.
apihelp-parse-param-redirects (talk) (Translate) If <var>$1page</var> or <var>$1pageid</var> is set to a redirect, resolve it.
apihelp-parse-param-section (talk) (Translate) Only parse the content of this section number. When <kbd>new</kbd>, parse <var>$1text</var> and <var>$1sectiontitle</var> as if adding a new section to the page. <kbd>new</kbd> is allowed only when specifying <var>text</var>.
apihelp-parse-param-sectionpreview (talk) (Translate) Parse in section preview mode (enables preview mode too).
apihelp-parse-param-sectiontitle (talk) (Translate) New section title when <var>section</var> is <kbd>new</kbd>. Unlike page editing, this does not fall back to <var>summary</var> when omitted or empty.
apihelp-parse-param-summary (talk) (Translate) Summary to parse.
apihelp-parse-param-text (talk) (Translate) Text to parse. Use <var>$1title</var> or <var>$1contentmodel</var> to control the content model.
apihelp-parse-param-title (talk) (Translate) Title of page the text belongs to. If omitted, <var>$1contentmodel</var> must be specified, and [[API]] will be used as the title.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-categories (talk) (Translate) Gives the categories in the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-categorieshtml (talk) (Translate) Gives the HTML version of the categories.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-displaytitle (talk) (Translate) Adds the title of the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-encodedjsconfigvars (talk) (Translate) Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page as a JSON string.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-headhtml (talk) (Translate) Gives parsed <code><head></code> of the page.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-headitems (talk) (Translate) <span class="apihelp-deprecated">Deprecated.</span> Gives items to put in the <code><head></code> of the page.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-images (talk) (Translate) Gives the images in the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-indicators (talk) (Translate) Gives the HTML of page status indicators used on the page.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-jsconfigvars (talk) (Translate) Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page. To apply, use <code>mw.config.set()</code>.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-limitreportdata (talk) (Translate) Gives the limit report in a structured way. Gives no data, when <var>$1disablelimitreport</var> is set.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-limitreporthtml (talk) (Translate) Gives the HTML version of the limit report. Gives no data, when <var>$1disablelimitreport</var> is set.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-modules (talk) (Translate) Gives the ResourceLoader modules used on the page. To load, use <code>mw.loader.using()</code>. Either <kbd>jsconfigvars</kbd> or <kbd>encodedjsconfigvars</kbd> must be requested jointly with <kbd>modules</kbd>.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-parsetree (talk) (Translate) The XML parse tree of revision content (requires content model <code>$1</code>)
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-parsewarnings (talk) (Translate) Gives the warnings that occurred while parsing content.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-properties (talk) (Translate) Gives various properties defined in the parsed wikitext.
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