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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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userjsispublic (talk) (Translate) Please note: JavaScript subpages should not contain confidential data as they are viewable by other users.
userjspreview (talk) (Translate) <strong>Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JavaScript. It has not yet been saved!</strong>
userjsyoucanpreview (talk) (Translate) <strong>Tip:</strong> Use the "{{int:showpreview}}" button to test your new JavaScript before saving.
userlogin-createanother (talk) (Translate) Create another account
userlogin-helplink2 (talk) (Translate) Help with logging in
userlogin-joinproject (talk) (Translate) Join {{SITENAME}}
userlogin-loggedin (talk) (Translate) You are already logged in as {{GENDER:$1|$1}}. Use the form below to log in as another user.
userlogin-noaccount (talk) (Translate) Don't have an account?
userlogin-reauth (talk) (Translate) You must log in again to verify that you are {{GENDER:$1|$1}}.
userlogin-remembermypassword (talk) (Translate) Keep me logged in
userlogin-signwithsecure (talk) (Translate) Use secure connection
userlogin-yourname (talk) (Translate) NASPA ID
userlogin-yourname-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter your NASPA ID
userlogin-yourpassword (talk) (Translate) Password
userlogin-yourpassword-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter your password
userlogout (talk) (Translate) Log out
userlogout-summary (talk) (Translate)  
usermaildisabled (talk) (Translate) User email disabled
usermaildisabledtext (talk) (Translate) You cannot send email to other users on this wiki
usermessage-editor (talk) (Translate) System messenger
usermessage-summary (talk) (Translate) Leaving system message.
usermessage-template (talk) (Translate) MediaWiki:UserMessage
username (talk) (Translate) {{GENDER:$1|Username}}:
usernameinprogress (talk) (Translate) An account creation for this user name is already in progress. Please wait.
userpage (talk) (Translate) View user page
userpage-userdoesnotexist (talk) (Translate) User account "$1" is not registered. Please check if you want to create/edit this page.
userpage-userdoesnotexist-view (talk) (Translate) User account "$1" is not registered.
userrights (talk) (Translate) User rights
userrights-cannot-shorten-expiry (talk) (Translate) You cannot bring forward the expiry of membership in group "$1". Only users with permission to add and remove this group can bring forward expiry times.
userrights-changeable-col (talk) (Translate) Groups you can change
userrights-conflict (talk) (Translate) Conflict of user rights changes! Please review and confirm your changes.
userrights-editusergroup (talk) (Translate) Edit {{GENDER:$1|user}} groups
userrights-expiry (talk) (Translate) Expires:
userrights-expiry-current (talk) (Translate) Expires $1
userrights-expiry-existing (talk) (Translate) Existing expiration time: $3, $2
userrights-expiry-in-past (talk) (Translate) The expiry time for group "$1" is in the past.
userrights-expiry-none (talk) (Translate) Does not expire
userrights-expiry-options (talk) (Translate) 1 day:1 day,1 week:1 week,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year
userrights-expiry-othertime (talk) (Translate) Other time:
userrights-groups-help (talk) (Translate) You may alter the groups this user is in: * A checked box means the user is in that group. * An unchecked box means the user is not in that group. * A * indicates that you cannot remove the group once you have added it, or vice versa. * A # indicates that you can only put back the expiration time of this group membership; you cannot bring it forward.
userrights-groupsmember (talk) (Translate) Member of:
userrights-groupsmember-auto (talk) (Translate) Implicit member of:
userrights-groupsmember-type (talk) (Translate) $1
userrights-invalid-expiry (talk) (Translate) The expiry time for group "$1" is invalid.
userrights-irreversible-marker (talk) (Translate) $1*
userrights-lookup-user (talk) (Translate) Select a user
userrights-no-interwiki (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to edit user rights on other wikis.
userrights-no-shorten-expiry-marker (talk) (Translate) $1#
userrights-nodatabase (talk) (Translate) Database $1 does not exist or is not local.
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