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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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apihelp-format-example-generic (talk) (Translate) Return the query result in the $1 format.
apihelp-format-param-wrappedhtml (talk) (Translate) Return the pretty-printed HTML and associated ResourceLoader modules as a JSON object.
apihelp-help-description (talk) (Translate) Display help for the specified modules.
apihelp-help-example-help (talk) (Translate) Help for the help module itself.
apihelp-help-example-main (talk) (Translate) Help for the main module.
apihelp-help-example-query (talk) (Translate) Help for two query submodules.
apihelp-help-example-recursive (talk) (Translate) All help in one page.
apihelp-help-example-submodules (talk) (Translate) Help for <kbd>action=query</kbd> and all its submodules.
apihelp-help-param-helpformat (talk) (Translate) Format of the help output.
apihelp-help-param-modules (talk) (Translate) Modules to display help for (values of the <var>action</var> and <var>format</var> parameters, or <kbd>main</kbd>). Can specify submodules with a <kbd>+</kbd>.
apihelp-help-param-recursivesubmodules (talk) (Translate) Include help for submodules recursively.
apihelp-help-param-submodules (talk) (Translate) Include help for submodules of the named module.
apihelp-help-param-toc (talk) (Translate) Include a table of contents in the HTML output.
apihelp-help-param-wrap (talk) (Translate) Wrap the output in a standard API response structure.
apihelp-imagerotate-description (talk) (Translate) Rotate one or more images.
apihelp-imagerotate-example-generator (talk) (Translate) Rotate all images in <kbd>Category:Flip</kbd> by <kbd>180</kbd> degrees.
apihelp-imagerotate-example-simple (talk) (Translate) Rotate <kbd>File:Example.png</kbd> by <kbd>90</kbd> degrees.
apihelp-imagerotate-param-rotation (talk) (Translate) Degrees to rotate image clockwise.
apihelp-imagerotate-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Tags to apply to the entry in the upload log.
apihelp-import-description (talk) (Translate) Import a page from another wiki, or from an XML file. Note that the HTTP POST must be done as a file upload (i.e. using multipart/form-data) when sending a file for the <var>xml</var> parameter.
apihelp-import-example-import (talk) (Translate) Import [[meta:Help:ParserFunctions]] to namespace 100 with full history.
apihelp-import-param-fullhistory (talk) (Translate) For interwiki imports: import the full history, not just the current version.
apihelp-import-param-interwikipage (talk) (Translate) For interwiki imports: page to import.
apihelp-import-param-interwikisource (talk) (Translate) For interwiki imports: wiki to import from.
apihelp-import-param-namespace (talk) (Translate) Import to this namespace. Cannot be used together with <var>$1rootpage</var>.
apihelp-import-param-rootpage (talk) (Translate) Import as subpage of this page. Cannot be used together with <var>$1namespace</var>.
apihelp-import-param-summary (talk) (Translate) Log entry import summary.
apihelp-import-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Change tags to apply to the entry in the import log and to the null revision on the imported pages.
apihelp-import-param-templates (talk) (Translate) For interwiki imports: import all included templates as well.
apihelp-import-param-xml (talk) (Translate) Uploaded XML file.
apihelp-json-description (talk) (Translate) Output data in JSON format.
apihelp-json-param-ascii (talk) (Translate) If specified, encodes all non-ASCII using hexadecimal escape sequences. Default when <var>formatversion</var> is <kbd>1</kbd>.
apihelp-json-param-callback (talk) (Translate) If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
apihelp-json-param-formatversion (talk) (Translate) Output formatting: ;1:Backwards-compatible format (XML-style booleans, <samp>*</samp> keys for content nodes, etc.). ;2:Experimental modern format. Details may change! ;latest:Use the latest format (currently <kbd>2</kbd>), may change without warning.
apihelp-json-param-utf8 (talk) (Translate) If specified, encodes most (but not all) non-ASCII characters as UTF-8 instead of replacing them with hexadecimal escape sequences. Default when <var>formatversion</var> is not <kbd>1</kbd>.
apihelp-jsonfm-description (talk) (Translate) Output data in JSON format (pretty-print in HTML).
apihelp-linkaccount-description (talk) (Translate) Link an account from a third-party provider to the current user.
apihelp-login-description (talk) (Translate) Log in and get authentication cookies. This action should only be used in combination with [[Special:BotPasswords]]; use for main-account login is deprecated and may fail without warning. To safely log in to the main account, use <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/clientlogin|action=clientlogin]]</kbd>.
apihelp-login-description-nobotpasswords (talk) (Translate) Log in and get authentication cookies. This action is deprecated and may fail without warning. To safely log in, use <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/clientlogin|action=clientlogin]]</kbd>.
apihelp-login-example-gettoken (talk) (Translate) Retrieve a login token.
apihelp-login-example-login (talk) (Translate) Log in.
apihelp-login-param-domain (talk) (Translate) Domain (optional).
apihelp-login-param-name (talk) (Translate) User name.
apihelp-login-param-password (talk) (Translate) Password.
apihelp-login-param-token (talk) (Translate) Login token obtained in first request.
apihelp-logout-description (talk) (Translate) Log out and clear session data.
apihelp-logout-example-logout (talk) (Translate) Log the current user out.
apihelp-main-description (talk) (Translate) <div class="hlist plainlinks api-main-links"> * [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/API:Main_page|Documentation]] * [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/API:FAQ|FAQ]] * [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-api Mailing list] * [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-api-announce API Announcements] * [https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/GebfyV4uCaLd/#R Bugs & requests] </div> <strong>Status:</strong> All features shown on this page should be working, but the API is still in active development, and may change at any time. Subscribe to [https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-api-announce/ the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list] for notice of updates. <strong>Erroneous requests:</strong> When erroneous requests are sent to the API, an HTTP header will be sent with the key "MediaWiki-API-Error" and then both the value of the header and the error code sent back will be set to the same value. For more information see [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/API:Errors_and_warnings|API: Errors and warnings]]. <strong>Testing:</strong> For ease of testing API requests, see [[Special:ApiSandbox]].
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