[NSA Word of the Day]

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March 7th, 2025: FLESHPOT

Definition: FLESHPOT*FLESHPOTS n a pot for cooking meat

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: fleshpotS

Ana-hooks: (none)

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: fIshpole heElpost helIstop hopefUls hoplItes Isopleth pestholE posthOle pothOles shoplIft tApholes

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ef efs eft efts eh ehs el elf elfs elops els elt elts epos es est estop et eth ethos eths feh fehs felt felts fest fet fets flesh floe floes flop flops flosh flote flotes foe foes foh fohs fop fops he heft hefts helo helos helot helots help helps hep heps hept hes hesp hest het hets ho hoe hoes hole holes holp hols holt holts hop hope hopes hops hos hose hosel host hostel hot hote hotel hotels hots left lefts lep leps lept les lest let lets lo loft lofts lop lope lopes lops los lose losh lost lot lote lotes loth lots oe oes of oft oh ohs ole oles olpe olpes op ope opes ops opt opts os ose pe peh pehs pelf pelfs pelt pelts pes peso pest pesto pet pets ph pho phos phot phots phs pht plesh plot plots po poet poets poh pol pole poles pols polt polts pos pose posh post pot pote potes pots pst sel self sept set sh she shelf sheol shet shlep shoe shop shope shot shote slept sloe slop slope slot sloth so soft soh sol sole sop soph sot soth spelt spet spot (and 34 more)

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