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September 25th, 2024: ALTCOIN

Definition: ALTCOIN*ALTCOINS n an alternative cryptocurrency

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: altcoinS

Ana-hooks: anticolD antilocK cilantRo contRail Daltonic lactoniC locatinG locatiOn Platonic

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aconitE actinAl actinoN actionS acYloin alAtion alnicoS aloEtic anticlY antiloG antlioN atonicS aUction Botanic calZoni canNoli caPitol caPtion caRotin cationS catlinG catlinS caUtion citolaS claRion coalBin coalinG coalPit coatinG coltanS coniCal contaiN coOlant coRtina cotiDal cotinGa Elation Faction Folacin inocUla laconiC lactonE latinoS lEction liMacon linocUt lUnatic noDical octanOl oilcanS oPtical otalGic oUtlain Paction Stoical tacTion talcinG talionS tincalS toEnail toPical toXical Voltaic

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: act actin action ai ail ain ait al alit alnico aloin alt alto an ani anil ant anti antic at atonic cain cal calo can cant canto cat cation catlin ciao cion citola clan clit clon clot coal coat coati coil coin coital col cola colin colt coltan con coni cot cotan icon in into ion iota it la lac laic lain lat lati latino li lin linac lino lint lion lit lo loan loc loca loci loin lot lota loti lotic na nail naoi nicol nil nit no noil not nota notal oat oca octal octan oi oil oilcan on ontic otic ta taco tail tain talc tali talion talon tan tao ti tian tic tical til tin tincal to toil tola tolan ton tonal tonic

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