[NSA Word of the Day]

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September 22nd, 2022: POSTFACE

Definition: POSTFACE*POSTFACES n a brief note placed at the end of a publication

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: postfaceS

Ana-hooks: foOtpaces

'Typos': postrace

Blana-grams: capstoNe ectopIas foOtpace foRecast foRepast opeNcast oUtfaces oUtpaces peacoAts poLecats saUcepot

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ace aces act acts ae aft ape apes apo apos apse apt as ascot asp aspect at ate ates atop cafe cafes cap cape capes capo capos capote capotes caps case cast caste cat cate cates cats cep ceps cesta coapt coapts coast coat coats coft cop cope copes cops copse cos coset cost costa costae cot cote cotes cots east eat eats ef efs eft efts epact epacts epos es escot estop et eta etas fa face faces facet facets fact facts fas fast fat fate fates fats fe feast feat feats fes fest fet feta fetas fets foe foes fop fops oaf oafs oast oat oats oca ocas oe oes of oft op ope opes ops opt opts os ose pa pac pace paces pacs pact pacts pas pase paseo past paste pat pate pates pats pe pea peas peat peats pec pecs pes peso pest pesto pet pets poet poets pose post pot pots psoae pst sac sae safe sap sapote sat sate scape scat scop scope scot sea seat sec sect sept septa set seta so soap soca sofa soft softa sop sot spa space spae spat spate spec spot step stoa stoae stop stope ta (and 27 more)

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