Definition: LECYTHIS adj designating a family of tropical shrubs
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: (none)
Ana-hooks: sKetchily
'Typos': lecythus
Blana-grams: chAstely cheEsily chilLest chiMleys clAyiest ethicAls ethiNyls Flitches Glitches hectiCly helicIty hyAlites hylicIst hysteRic lichtesT liNchets lyNchets Methylic Phyletic slitheRy sWitchel teTchily tiNchels yAchties
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: ceil ceils cel cels celt celts cesti cetyl cetyls ch che chesil chest chesty chi chiel chiels chile chiles chis chisel chit chits chyle chyles ciel ciels cis cist cit cite cites cits city clies cly cyst cyte cytes ech echt eh ehs el elchi elchis elhi els elt eltchi eltchis elts es est et etch eth ethic ethics eths ethyl ethylic ethyls etic he heil heils heist hes hest het hets hey heys hi hic hie hies hilt hilts his hist hit hits hye hyes hyle hyles hylic hylist hyte ice ices ich iches ichs icy is ish isle islet istle it itch itches itchy its lech lecythi lei leis leish les lest let letch lets ley leys li lice lich liches licht lichts lie lies lis list lit lite lites lith lithe lithes liths lits lye lyes lyse lyte lytes lythe lythes lytic scye scythe sec sect sei seil seity sel set sey sh she shelty shet shiel shily shit shite shy si sic sice sich sieth sile silt silty sit site sith sithe sley slice slit sly st steil stelic stey stich stie stile sty stye style styli syce sye syli sythe te tech techily techs techy (and 42 more)
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