[NSA Word of the Day]

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December 17th, 2020: BROMELIA

Definition: BROMELIA*BROMELIAS n a tropical plant with stiff leaves

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: bromeliaD bromeliaS

Ana-hooks: airmobIle bromelaiN

'Typos': bromelin

Blana-grams: aerobiUm albiCore amberoiD amiTrole beClamor beGlamor biramoSe bloOmier borRelia braCiole Cabriole embroilS Forelimb Formable imbalMer laboriTe marblieR meMorial miSlabor moraliSe moraliZe Proemial rolamiTe Wamblier

Extensions: bromeliaDS bromeliaCEOUS#

Sub-anagrams: ab able abler abo aboil abri ae aero ai ail aim aimer air al alb ale alme aloe am amber amble ambler ambo ami amie amir amole ar arb are ariel aril arm ba bail bailer bailor bal bale baler balm balmier bam bar bare barm barmie be beal beam bear bel bema berm bi bier bile bima bio biome birl birle biro blae blam blame blamer blare blear bo boa boar boil boiler bola bolar bole bora boral bore boreal bra brae brail bream brie brim brio bro broil bromal brome ear earl el elm em email embar emboli embroil emir emo er era iamb ilea ire la lab labor lair lam lamb lamber lambie lambier lame lamer lar lari lea lear lei li liar lib liber libra librae lie lier lima limb limba limber limbo lime limo lira lire lo loam loamier lob lobar lobe lor lore ma mabe mae mail maile mailer mair male mar marble mare marl mbira me meal mel merl mi mib mil mile miler milo mir mire mo moa mob mobile moi moil moiler moira moire mol mola molar mole mor mora morae moral morale more morel oar oba obe obeli obelia obi (and 51 more)

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