[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 15th, 2018: CHEDITE

Definition: CHEDITE*CHEDITES n an explosive

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: chediteS

Ana-hooks: chedDite itchWeed tedeSchi

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: Bitched cePheid cheAted cheSted cheVied chiRted chitTed deceitS dehiSce dichteD dietheR ditcheD ditcheR ditcheS eidetIc eNticed eRethic etheRic eVicted eXcited Fetched Fetiche Fitchee heBetic heiSted heRetic hicAtee hitcHed Letched Lethied Lichted Mitched Pedetic Pitched Recited Retched Richted teAchie techieR techieS teTched thicKed thieVed tieRced Witched

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: cede cedi cee cete ch che chi chid chide chit cid cide cit cite cited de deceit dee deet dei deice di dice dich dicht dict die diet dit ditch dite ech eche eched echt ed edh edict edit ee eech eh ehed eide et etch etched eth ethe ethic etic he heed heid het hete hi hic hid hide hie hied hit ice iced ich iched id ide idee it itch itched te tech teched techie ted tee teed the thee theed theic ti tic tice ticed tich tid tide tie tied

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