[NSA Word of the Day]

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November 20th, 2016: EPICOTYL

Definition: EPICOTYL*EPICOTYLS n a part of a plant embryo

Anagrams: lipocyte

Hooks: epicotylS

Ana-hooks: lipectoMy lipocyteS

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: cAlotype cHipotle copyeDit copyleFt cRyolite ecotypiC Helicopt lepRotic leptoNic liNotype petRolic pHyletic poeticAl politeLy polyeNic poUltice pyelitIc toeclipS Velocity

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ceil cel celt cep cite citole city clept clip clipt clit clop clot cloy clypei coil col cole colt coly cop cope copy cot cote cotype coy eco el epic et etic ice icy it lei lept let ley li lice lie lip lipe lipo lit lite lo loci locie lop lope lot loti lotic lye lytic octyl oe oi oil oily ole oleic op ope opt optic otic oy pe pec pelt pet peyotl pi pic pice picot pie piety pile pilot pily piolet pit pity plie plot ploy ploye ply po poet poetic poi pol pole police policy polite polity poly pot pye pyic te tec tel telco telic teloi tepoy ti tic tie til tile tip to toe toeclip toil toile tole top tope topi topic toy tye type typic typo yclept ye yelp yep yet yeti yip yipe yo

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