[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 5th, 2014: VENOSITY

Definition: VENOSITY*VENOSITIES n the quality of state of being venous

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: neRvosity ventosiTy

'Typos': vinosity

Blana-grams: Cytosine investoR noveList novitIes stovAine tyRosine vioLents yesHivot

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: en ens envoi envois envoy envoys envy eon eons eosin es est et eyot eyots in ins inset into invest io ion ions ios is iso it its ivy ne neist nest net nets nevi nie nies nis nit nite nites nits no noes noise noisy nos nose nosey nosy not note notes novity noy noyes noys ny nye nyes nys oe oes oi oint oints on one ones ons onset onst os ose oven ovens ovine ovines ovist oy oye oyes oys sei seity sen sent senti senvy set seton sey si sien sient sin sine sit site snit snot sny snye so son sone sot sov soviet soy st stein sten steno stey stie stive stivy stone stoney stony stove sty stye sye syen syn syne te ten tens tes ti tie ties tin tine tines tins tinsey tiny tis tivy to toe toes toey toise ton tone tones toney tonies tons tony tose toy toys tye tyes tyne tynes vein veins veiny vent vents vest vet veto vets vie vies vin vine vines vino vinos vins vint vints viny vis vise visne vison visto vite voe voes vote votes ye yen yens yes yest yet yeti yetis (and 10 more)

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