[NSA Word of the Day]

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October 1st, 2013: RHEOSTAT

Definition: RHEOSTAT*RHEOSTATS n a resistor used to control electric current

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: rheostatS

Ana-hooks: hesItator Northeast theoCrats

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aBettors aerostAt attesTor Betroths Chatters earshotS earthsEt Farthest Garottes heMostat hoarIest hoarseSt Loathers oUthears oUtrates oUtstare oXhearts Phorates Postheat Prostate ratChets rathoLes retotaLs rostRate seatroUt shatterS shortaGe shorteSt taBorets teraohMs testaTor theatErs theatrEs theoCrat theorIst thoraCes thoraXes thorItes throateD throstLe toasterS toastIer

Extensions: rheostatIC

Sub-anagrams: ae aero ah ahorse ahs ar are ares arose ars art arts as ash ashore aster at ate ates att ear ears earshot earth earths east eat eath eats eh er era eras eros ers erst es et eta etas eth ethos eths ha hae haes haet haets hao hare hares hart harts has hast haste hat hate hater haters hates hats hatter hatters he hear hears heart hearts heat heats her hero heros hers hes hest het hets ho hoar hoars hoarse hoe hoer hoers hoes hora horas horse horst horste hose hoser host hosta hot hots hotter oar oars oast oat oater oaters oath oaths oats oe oes oh ohs or ora orate orates ore ores ors ort orts os osar ose osetra other others ottar ottars otter otters rah ras rase rash rat rate rates rath rathe rato ratos rats re res resat resh reshot rest ret rets rhea rheas rho rhos roast roe roes rose roset rot rota rotas rotate rotates rote rotes rots rotte rottes sae sat sate sea sear seat ser sera set seta sett sh sha share shatter she shea shear shoat shoe shoer shore short shot shote shott so soar sora sore (and 113 more)

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