Definition: WHISTLER*WHISTLERS n one that whistles
Anagrams: whirtles
Hooks: whistlerS
Ana-hooks: erstwhilE whirlIest whitTlers
'Typos': whistled whistles whittler
Blana-grams: Blithers Fewtrils liGhters lUthiers Misthrew Philters Philtres reliGhts sliGhter slitherS slitherY swAthier switChel switCher switherS thilLers thrisSel thrisTle twirleRs wAterish whiPster whirleRs whirlIes whirRets whitHers whitreTs whitsTer whitTers whitTles whOrtles wOrthies wristleT writheRs writhleD
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: eh ehs el elhi els elt elts er ers erst es est et eth eths ewt ewts he heil heils heir heirs heist her herl herls hers hes hest het hets hew hews hi hie hies hilt hilts hire hires hirsel hirsle his hist hit hits ire ires is ish isle islet istle it ither its lehr lehrs lei leir leirs leis leish les lest let lets lew lewis li lie lier liers lies lire lis list lister lit lite liter liters lites lith lithe lither lithes liths litre litres lits lwei lweis re reh rehs rei reis reist relish relist relit res resh resit rest ret rets rew rews rewth rewths rhies riel riels rile riles rise rit rite rites rits sei seil seir sel ser set sew sh she shet shew shiel shier shir shire shirt shit shite shrew shri si sieth sile siler silt sir sire sit site sith sithe slew slier slit slither sri st steil stew stie stile stir stire strew sweir sweirt swelt swire swirl swith swithe swither te tehr tehrs teil teils tel tels tes tew tews the their theirs thew thews thir thirl thirls this threw ti tie tier tiers ties til (and 85 more)
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