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May 15th, 2010: ICEBOUND

Definition: ICEBOUND adj surrounded by ice

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: (none)

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: bedouinS bouncieR bounTied coMbined decuRion educTion nucLeoid unbodieD unboiLed uncoiLed uncoiNed uncoMbed undociLe uniLobed unVoiced

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: be bed bedouin bedu beduin ben bend bi bice bid bide bin bind bine bio bo bod bode bodice bond bonduc bone boned boudin bounce bounced bound bud bun bunco buncoed bund cebid ceboid cedi cine cion cob cod code codein coden coed coin coined con cone coned coni coude cub cube cubed cuboid cud cue cued de deb deco den deni dib dice die din dine dino do dobie doc doe don done douce dub duce duci due dui dun dunce dune duo ebon ecu ed en end eon ice iced icon id in induce indue ion ne neb nib nice nide no nob nod node nodi nu nub nude nudie obe obi od ode odic oe oi on once one oud ounce udo udon un unbe unbid unci unco unde undo

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