Definition: PENSTOCK*PENSTOCKS n a conduit for conveying water to a waterwheel
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: penstockS
Ana-hooks: (none)
'Typos': (none)
Blana-grams: cApstone conCepts conkIest conteCks cRonkest Lockstep opencAst petcoCks pockIest poncIest potencEs poUncets spRocket stenLock stockMen Unsocket
Extensions: ALpenstockS ALpenstock(S)
Sub-anagrams: cens cent cento centos cents cep ceps coke cokes con cone cones conk conks cons conte contes cop cope copen copens copes cops copse cos cose coset cost coste cot cote cotes cots en ens eon eons epos es escot est estoc estop et ken keno kenos kens kent kents kep keps kept kest ket keto kets knop knops knosp knot knots ko kon kons kop kops kos ne neck necks nek neks nep neps nest net netop netops nets no nock nocket nockets nocks noes nope nos nose not note notes oe oes oke okes on once onces one ones ons onset onst op ope open opens opes ops opt opts os ose pe pec peck pecks pecs pen penk penks pens pent pents peon peons pes peso pest pesto pet pets po pock pocket pockets pocks poet poets poke pokes ponce ponces pone pones ponk ponks pons pont pontes ponts pos pose posnet post pot pote potes pots pst scent scone scop scope scot sec seco sect sekt sen sent sept set seton skeo skep sneck snoek snoke snot so soc sock socket soke soken son sonce sone sop sot spec speck spek spent spet spoke spoken spot (and 40 more)
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