[NSA Word of the Day]

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January 20th, 2007: CORYBANT


Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: corybantS

Ana-hooks: baronEtcy

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: baryonIc barytonE barytonS carbonyL cartoOny caryotIn contraRy Enactory noctUary octOnary

Extensions: corybantES corybantIC corybantISM corybantISMS

Sub-anagrams: ab abo abort aby acorn act acton actor an ant any ar arb arc arco aroynt art arty ary at atoc atony ay ayont ba bac bacon ban banc banco bant banty bar barn barny baron barony barton baryon baryton bat baton bay bayt bo boa boar boart boat bon bona bony bor bora born bort borty bot bota botany boy boyar bra bract bran brant brat bray bro bronc by cab can cant canto cantor canty cany car carb carbo carbon carboy carby carn carny carob cart carton cat cay coarb coat cob cobra con contra cony cor corban corby corn corny cory cot cotan coy crab cran craton crayon crony cry cyan cyano cyton na nab narc narco nary nat nay no nob nor not nota notary noy ny oar oary oat ob oba oca octa octan on or ora oracy orant orb orby orc orca ort otary oy racon racy ran rant rat rato ray rayon roan rob roc ront rot rota rya rybat ryot ta tab tabor taco tan tao tar tarboy tarn taro taroc tay to toby toc ton tony tor tora toran torc torn tory toy tray tron trona tronc troy try tyran tyro (and 8 more)

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